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She rubbed her eyes, pulling herself up onto her elbows. Gentle morning light streamed in through the window and it seemed like it would be a sunny day.

A soft smile worked its way up her face thinking about having a bright day. The weather had been so gloomy the past week it was dampening her mood making her cry for no reason. Sometimes there was reason— but mostly it was just the weather.

She heard a little shuffling and indistinct chatter from behind the door and turned to grab her phone from the side table.

It was barely 7, which meant the kids were probably outside having breakfast with her dad while Hina was packing her stuff for the delivery boy.

Maybe she could join them.. no one would mind.

Hina would probably be busy so she might have to make her own breakfast but how hard could an omelette be??

Chewing on her bottom lip she contemplated for a few more seconds than blew out a breath, quickly threw the covers back and rolled out.

A quick gargle and Sarah pulled the door open walking towards the kitchen while tying her curls back with her scrunchie.


Hina's cheerful greeting made her pause at the threshold and the sudden rush of energy running through her body dimmed, the shyness taking over.


Samar's spoon was in his mouth but he forgot to pull it out and Aliya's toast hung in mid air not reaching her mouth.

"W.. walikum..salamm." Sarah breathed out a reply, and wiped her sweaty palms on her pajamas.

Three months and this was the first time she was voluntarily joining them at breakfast. It seemed like a good idea before, but now with everyone staring she didn't think she could even get a morsel in.

'Let's just go back to bed, and come in later.'

Her brain suggested but before she could leave, her father's arm landed on her shoulder and she was being guided to a chair.

Mr. Ghani smiled and waved her over, "Beth jaou. Nashta karo araam se."

She blinked, craning her neck up to smile at him briefly. Beside her Samar scooted away ducking his head down as if not wanting to be seen and acknowledged.

Aliya looked up but a tap from her brother and she was looking down at her cereal bowl again.

Sarah's heart fell into her stomach but she didn't let the disappointment show.  She had hoped Aliya had warmed up to her a little but perhaps she was wrong.

"Chalo bachon. Baba's leaving and I need everybody to wish me luck!"

She swung around on the bar chair, as did Samar and Aliya, instinctively yelling out goodbye and Goodluck, though she didn't know why he was leaving so early or what she was wishing him luck for.

He rushed forward pecking their foreheads lovingly before grabbing his bag and Hina followed him to the door.

"Why's Dad's leaving so early?" She stared confused.

"He has a meeting at eight, duh." Samar replied rolling his eyes.

Sarah looked at him with a frown, "It takes him 30 minutes to reach the office. He needs to be there early today." Samar completed, talking to Sarah like she was the 12 year old.

Sarah pursed her lips refraining from replying.

"Who's going to drop you guys off then?"

"Nobody. We'll walk." He answered getting off the bar stool and picking his bowl taking it to the sink.

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