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The ambiance at the dinner table that night was unlike any other. A lively conversation flowed effortlessly, punctuated by genuine smiles exchanged along with the dishes. The soft clatter of cutlery provided a rhythmic backdrop to their gentle laughter, creating a harmonious symphony of familial bliss.

Sarah had never experienced family time feeling so fulfilling. Each moment was infused with warmth and camaraderie, filling her heart with a sense of contentment she hadn't known before.

Even during the cleanup afterward, the atmosphere remained light-hearted. Samar couldn't resist goofing around, and Sarah and Aliyah indulged him, allowing him to believe he was the life of the party with his jokes. Despite their childish and silly antics, Sarah's laughter rang out genuinely, each sound a testament to the joy she felt in that moment..


"Chalo, bohat masti ho gayi. It's bedtime now Samar.." Hina said, patting his shoulder as she entered the kitchen.


Sarah hung away the drying towel and nodded in understanding, taking Aliya's hand and slung an around Samar's shoulder guiding them both out to the hallway.

"Chaloo chalooo."

He sighed but let himself be dragged out.

"Goodnight Mama! Goodnight Baba."

The replies came in unison, followed by the comforting murmur of their parents continuing their own conversation, huddled together in the cozy confines of the small kitchen.

Sarah couldn't resist stealing a glance backward, finding it endearing how her father couldn't conclude his day without their customary "after-dinner talk" with Hina. It was as though they were enveloped in their own little cocoon, where she listened intently to all he had to share, and he, in turn, soaked up every word she imparted.

They seemed perfect together, a stark contrast to the empty and dry relationship of her parents Sarah had witnessed in the past. While this bond had once shattered her heart, now she felt only genuine happiness for them both.

Her father had inadvertently taught her life's most profound lesson: the importance of finding a partner who not only supports and understands you but also commands your utmost respect. He had demonstrated that it was better to part ways with someone if you couldn't honor and cherish them, allowing them to find happiness elsewhere rather than endure mistreatment in a toxic relationship.

This realization was why he couldn't remain with her mother.

And it was the very reason Taimoor couldn't remain with her.

After almost four months, Sarah Ghani could finally accept this truth without any pretense or excuses, facing it head-on with a sense of clarity and resolve.

'She had been the problem not him.'

With a resigned sigh, she turned away from the kitchen, fixing her gaze forward as she ascended the staircase. Samar slipped out from under her arm, extending his hand for a fist bump.

She smiled, returning the gesture with a gentle tap, bidding him goodnight before taking Aliya's hand and retreating to the sanctuary of their room.


With the little girl finally asleep, Sarah retrieved her phone and settled into the armchair by the window, plugging in her AirPods. She was about to call her sister when she noticed the red dot on her email app.

Given that most emails were work-related these days, she made it a point to respond promptly. Ever since deactivating her social media accounts and exiting all WhatsApp groups, Gmail had become the sole means of contact for anyone trying to reach her.

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