(1) A lost pencil

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I lean into his broad figure, seeking out his warmth. I inhale deeply and let out my breath with a sigh, savoring this moment.
'He smells like cinnamon rolls' I point out in my head.

And I would most definitely take a bite out of him

"Matteo⎯ " I breathe out in my flustered state. I close my eyes, not wanting to focus on anything other than this moment. 'Matteo' gently takes my chin in his hands and slowly lifts my face to meet his at eye level. I open my dark brown eyes to be met with his hazel ones, waiting for him to say something. . .anything. 'Matteo' opens his mouth, seemingly about to speak...

Beep! Beep! Beep!


I slowly open my eyes, my vision's a bit hazy from only being awake for a few seconds. I blink owlishly before rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

I sit up in my bed and stretch, this was the fourth night that I've dreamt about Matteo. I would be annoyed if I wasn't absolutely enamored with him.

My alarm clock on the bedside table is still ringing.

I wonder if I would get in trouble if I threw it across the room

Sighing in annoyance, I begrudgingly pick up the noise machine to shut it up, I look down at the alarm clock to glance at the time,

Oh, seven o'clock. . .

. . . .

Seven o'clock!?

I shuffle around quickly in my bed, trying to untangle myself from my several sets of blankets, which proves to be quite difficult (I get really cold at night okay).

I'm never sleeping with more than one blanket again

I finally got the multiple blankets off me before my body shivers feverently from the coldness of my room.

Okay, maybe at least two
I note to myself as I try to get ready as fast as I can.


7:19 am

While struggling to put my favorite lime green jacket on, I race down the stairs.
My little sister is sitting on a stool behind the island counter in the kitchen." Shouldn't you be going to school?" She says before taking another bite of the banana she had been snacking on.

You're one to talk

I give her a pointed look and put a hand on my hip, " Why does it always seem like you're trying to get rid of me?"
Maya turns in her chair no longer facing the island but me instead. She smirks at me, " That's because I am." She responds matter-of-factly. "Big sisters are so overrated." She added, now sticking her tongue out at me.

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