(5) The Great Pretense

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                         His girlfriend?

As in holding hands, kisses, hugging, and dates?

This must be some kind of sick joke. I just met Cade a day ago. I don't even want to be his friend, not to mention being his girlfriend. My eyes search his face, looking for any sign to confirm that he is joking with me. But there's none. No holding back a tale tell laugh. No hiding a shifty smile. No sign of insincerity.

"Your girlfriend?" I ask. Cade nods his head in the affirmative.

"You're kidding," I respond, desperately trying to get him to admit that he is joking.

He shakes his head as he softly mutters, "Can't say that I am, sweetheart."

"But why?" I ask. "You don't even know me." There must be a reason behind his sudden and completely unexpected request. We barely know each other and now suddenly he wants us to be a couple. Cade shrugs his shoulders as he leans back against the booth.

"Well, why not?" He answers my question with a question.

Is he serious? I thought. He really doesn't know me at all, not very surprising. Given the fact that we only just met, like, a day ago.

"Why not?" I snapped back at him. My hands threatning to shoot up from the table they're lying on and strangle him. At least then he'll HAVE to be quiet. "We literally just met yesterday. Why would you want to date me of all people? We barely know each other," I clarify. "And no offense, but you wouldn't be the first person I'd choose to date, or, the last person to be honest."

I had always imagined my first boyfriend to be someone I really care about, not some whack job who is using my pencil to coerce me into dating him, for whatever insane reason.

Cade rolls his eyes, clearly unamused by my statement "Ha! Ha! Very funny, sweetheart. Well, it wouldn't be a real relationship, obviously, just, you know, pretend."

A pretend relationship. What is this guy up to. By now, my mind is spinning. I have read the books. I have seen the movies. I know how pretend relationships start and how they end. I refuse to get caught up in Cade's cliche love trope.

I look at Cade with skepticism. "Why do you want to be in a Fake relationship? I'm pretty sure someone like you would have no trouble finding a Real girlfriend," I exclaim, adding emphasis on the words Fake and Real.

Cade smirks as he leans forward, resting his arms on the Diner table. "Someone like me?" he says in a teasing manner. "Well, I am flattered that you think I am charming enough to attract a girl. But, as I said, I'm not looking for a real girlfriend right now. You see, I have this ex...."

"Oh yeah, now I see," I interrupt him mid-sentence. Now it is becoming clear exactly what he wants. This is a classic case of girl breaks up with boy, so boy pretends to move on with another girl to make the girl he really wants jealous.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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