(3) Negotiating

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"So he never gave back the pencil?"

"No! Can you believe that?"

For the past ten minutes that I've been home, I've been ranting about the jerk that stole my pencil.

"I could tell he only kept it to screw with me May, you should've seen the look on his face, there was evil in those beady eyes." My eyebrows furrow in frustration as I remember how he had the audacity to wink at me after refusing to give me my pencil back.

The nerve of some people

"I don't see why you're getting so worked up," Maya grabbed the TV remote that was sitting next to her on the couch, "It's just a pencil, I know for a fact you have plenty more."

"It's not about the pencil, It's the principle," I reply with a huff.

I'm lying, it's totally about the pencil

While sighing dramatically I let myself fall onto the couch next to Maya who rolled her eyes at my dramatics. I grab the nearest pillow, hug it to my chest, and curl my knees up. She wouldn't understand and I don't expect her to. If I were anyone else, I would just forget about the pencil and go on about my day. But I'm not, and I won't, that pencil is mine, it has always been mine, ever since he gave it to me⎯

Suddenly, I feel a hand on top of my head that begins to stroke the top of my hair. My eyes widen at the sudden contact, I move to turn my head slightly and see Maya still looking at the TV, scrolling through channels as she continues to rub my head. A gentle smile spreads across my face as I lay my head back down, now laying my head on my sister's lap.

After a couple of hours of watching a series of cliche love tropes and complaining about how predictable the stories are, Maya speaks up, "Oh yeah, I need thirty dollars."

I lift my head from her lap and turn to face her, giving a questioning eyebrow raise.
"Thirty dollars? What do you need thirty dollars for?"
Maya sits her head up from resting on her fisted hand. "Jeffery's mom is taking us to the movies," She brings her feet onto the couch and crosses her legs. "She offered to pay for my ticket, but I didn't want to take her money."

But you wanna take mine

"You and Jeffery have been hangin' out a lot lately." I give her a knowing look. She raises an eyebrow in confusion, clearly not getting what I'm insinuating. "You like him?" She definitel understands now. Her face contorts to one of disgust, "Ew! Nevaeh! Why do you have to be so gross?" Maya grabs and throws the pillow nearest to her at my face. As the pillow collides with my face I burst into a fit of laughter.
Maya's never been someone easy to tease, so whenever I'm able to get a reaction out of her when I do, I totally milk it.
"Jeffery and Maya sitting in a tree," I say in a sing-song voice before leaning in closer to her face. "K-i-s-s-i-n-g⎯ "

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