5| First meeting

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Annahita's POV

As I was warmly welcomed by everyone, Nandini approached me with a broad smile on her face, although a hint of sadness lingered in her eyes. It was Nandini's unique trait that her face masked her thoughts, but her eyes were an open book, revealing the emotions within.

Nandini, with that ever-present smile, led me to the guest room, encouraging me to change into more comfortable clothes. After refreshing myself, we gathered in the dining area for a meal. Baba occupied the head chair, Nandini on his left, I beside Nandini, and Shivaay on Baba's right.

Baba, inquiring about Adhiraj's arrival, asked, "When is Adi coming back?" Shivaay bhaiya promptly responded, "He'll be here tomorrow morning."

After our meal, we retired to our respective rooms. Nandini then took me on a tour of the mansion. I discovered that each person had their separate wing within the Anantara Kutir, the mansion where the head of Anuvarta resides. On the right side wing, smaller mansions for other family members were situated, while the left side featured the main mansion and the council hall.

Bab's residence, nestled in a further corner near a beautiful pond, was where he lived with Tripti aunty. Nandini resided in Anantara Kutir alongside her elder brother, and Shivaay bhaiya occupied the mansion adjacent to it. The estate comprised four main mansions, along with guest areas and the council hall, with smaller houses for additional staff and residents. The place felt like a bhool bhulaiyaa (maze) to me.

As Nandini kindly offered for me to stay with her in Anantara Kutir, I politely refused. Despite their extensive tour of the mansion, which felt like a maze to me, I preferred residing with Baba.

Returning to Baba's house, we found him sitting in the garden. Joining him, Nandini, determined to convince me otherwise, asked him to persuade me to live in Anantara Kutir. However, he shared that Adhiraj preferred only Shivaay and Nandini's presence at his mansion.

Nandini huffed at her father's response but refrained from arguing. I chuckled at her playful antics and expressed my fondness for Baba's company. Our evening unfolded in endless conversations and a delightful dinner, and eventually, we all retired to our respective rooms.

As I sat alone in my room, emotions stirred within me. Throughout the day, the company of everyone had kept me from shedding tears for my parents, but in the quiet of the night, their absence became palpable. Hugging their photos, I found solace in their memories, eventually drifting into sleep with their comforting presence lingering in my dreams.

Author's POV

As the sun cast its first rays, Annahita woke up to the hustle and bustle echoing through the mansion. The air was charged with the news that Adhiraj was returning today. Caught up in the excitement of the welcoming committee, Annahita found herself, for the first time, stepping into Anantara Kutir.

In the past two days, she had never ventured into this part of the mansion. As everyone busily prepared for Adhiraj's return, the anticipation grew. The word spread that Adhiraj, accompanied by his mother, had arrived and was now entering the mansion.

Curiosity tugged at Annahita, urging her to catch a glimpse of Adhiraj and meet his mother, a figure akin to a second mother to her. As she moved toward the crowd, her eyes, filled with anticipation, locked with Adhiraj's imposing gaze.

The magnetic pull of his presence mesmerized her, causing her to overlook Shivaay standing in front of her. Colliding with him, she felt herself losing balance, but Shivaay swiftly caught her hands, steadying her on her feet. His teasing gaze and mischievous smile met her embarrassment.

Annahita's mind raced, trying to dismiss the enchanting gaze she had shared with Adhiraj. "Annahita no one saw that. You weren't staring at him. Of course, he's handsome, but you're not staring at him. Get yourself a grip and stop embarrassing yourself," she muttered to herself, attempting to regain composure.

Shivaay, sensing her internal struggle, cleared his throat to pull Annahita back to the present. Her face turned crimson under his questioning gaze, a hint of mischief lingering in his eyes. She shifted her attention when Tripti Rathore, Nandini's mother, called her name.

"Anna, is that you?" inquired Tripti.

"Aunty, you forgot me?" Annahita questioned with a feigned expression of sadness.

Tripti chuckled at her antics. "How can I forget you, baby? Come here." Annahita sprinted towards Tripti, embracing her warmly, a gesture reciprocated with equal enthusiasm.

"Maa, what about me?" Nandini teased.

"Come here," Tripti gestured, opening her arms for Nandini. Laughter echoed as Nandini embraced her mother.

"Everybody forgot about me," Digvijay playfully complained.

"How can we forget about you, Baba, when you are constantly poking me to move from here so that you can hug Maa" Nandini retorted, laughter ringing through the room. The warmth of familial bonds filled the air, momentarily dispelling the shadows of grief that lingered in Annahita's heart.

Digvijay, feeling the warmth of family bonds, extended his arms to include Adhiraj and Shivaay in the embrace.
Digvijay asked, "What? You both also want to get a hug?"
However, his generous offer was met with unexpected resistance.

Adhiraj took a step back, and Shivaay mirrored the movement.
A mischievous glint flashed in Adhiraj and Shivaay's eyes as they exchanged a knowing look. Digvijay, undeterred, approached Adhiraj, determined to share the familial hug. However, Adhiraj gracefully evaded the embrace, causing Digvijay to shoot him an annoyed stare.

Undeterred, Digvijay redirected his attention toward Shivaay, hopeful for a warm hug. Yet, Shivaay, too, skillfully sidestepped the impending embrace. Digvijay stared at both with disbelief and annoyance as they nonchalantly moved towards Tripti for a hug, leaving him behind.

Nandini and Annahita, witnessing the amusing spectacle, burst into laughter. "Come, Baba, let me hug you," Nandini said, wrapping her arms around Digvijay from the side.

Joining the laughter, Annahita joined in, "And me too!" Digvijay, finding solace in their affection, embraced them both, turning a mockingly disappointed gaze towards Shivaay and Adhiraj. The room echoed with laughter and the joyous camaraderie of a family knit together by love and shared moments.

After their lighthearted moments, everyone retired to their rooms. Nandini, however, had other plans as she dragged Annahita to her room, eager to showcase her latest collection of anklets.

Seated amidst the vibrant array of anklets, Annahita couldn't help but inquire, "When are you going to introduce me to your mystery man?"

Nandini looked at her with a playful smile. "You already met him, Anna."

Perplexed, Annahita responded, "When? You didn't introduce me to him."

"You met him Anna. And he isn't mine anymore," Nandini cryptically remarked.

Curiosity piqued, Annahita pressed further, "Who are you talking about, Nandu?"

Nandini grinned, savoring the suspense. "Wait. Are you talking about Shivaay?"

A confirming nod from Nandini left Annahita astonished. "Yes," Nandini affirmed, leaving Annahita to unravel the mysteries surrounding Shivaay and Nandini's connection.
Before Annahita could delve further into the mysteries surrounding Shivaay and Nandini, Nandini's phone rang. Rustam's call summoned her to the council hall, interrupting their conversation.

"I'll tell you everything you want to know about me and Shivaay, but right now, I have to go somewhere," Nandini explained to Annahita, moving towards the closet to change her clothes.

Annahita nodded in understanding and left Nandini's room. As she traversed the corridor on her way to her room, her hand was unexpectedly seized, bringing her to a sudden halt.

Startled, she turned to find Adhiraj standing there. His piercing gaze bore into her as he straightforwardly questioned, "Aap humein aise kyu ghoor rahi thi ?”
(Why were you staring at me earlier?)
The unexpected confrontation left Annahita momentarily speechless, unsure how to respond to the inquiry.

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