Our girl.

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The whole walk back to my dorm, I was kicking my self. I couldn't believe I just agreed to spending the summer with Anthony. In front of Mattheo.

I felt like such a horrible person truly. Everything seemed to have changed over night. Everything.

A part of me thought deep down, I would regret it, if I broke up with Anthony. Because of everything he was. Kind. Reliable. Loving. The polar opposite of Mattheo.

But a bigger part of me knew I couldn't keep pushing my feeling for Mattheo away. After nearly a year, they were still there. Despite everything we had been through, they were still there.

I had to suck it up, and be honest. Not only to Anthony, but to my self.

I had to figure out the perfect way to break up with him. One that didn't make me look like a complete whore, or that I was leaving him for another boy.

I was fucked. No matter how I looked at it.

I walked into the common room with everyone sitting on the couch and walked over to join them.

Mattheos dead eyes, tracking me across the room.

"What's up?" I smiled as I threw my self on the couch next to Theo.

"Seems like someone has a very busy summer!" Draco winked at me from across the couch.

"I don't know." I was being honest, "seems a bit much going with him for the whole summer. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that." I shook my head, and Mattheo shifted in his seat.

"Oh don't tell me you're going to break up with him!" Theo whined, "not on my birthday!"

"Well if I do, you and Draco will finally have him to your selves!" I tried to make a joke.

"Seriously yn?" Draco interrupted.

"Maybe. I don't know." Even now just talking to them about it, make my stomach do flips.

My phone vibrated.

Mattheo .🚫
11:01 a.m

Take it you didn't speak to him then?
Like you said you would.

He had to go study
Also didn't really want to break up with him in the middle of the greet hall?

Tick tock, pretty girl.

I brought my eyes up from my phone, to him. He was already looking at me, with a devious grin across his face.

Fuck my life.

"Hey Theo, can you come by my room later? I need help moving my desk." I stood up, looking down at him.

Just like we planned.

"And of course you ask me, because I am the strongest." He winked.

"Of course that's why," I laughed backed, "8 o'clock yeah?"

"Oh I'll be there." He leaned his head back.

I told Draco it would only boost his ego, no one ever listened to me.

It was roughly 7 o'clock, and all the boys had shown up to help me set up for the party. Pansy and I had offered to have it in our room, he would never guess. We were going to charm the room into a nice dinner, help from Enzo and Mattheo stealing the food, and Pansy and I were on decorations.

"No move it that way!"

"Up more!"


"Oh my Merlin!"

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