Thats why.

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They they were.

Less than feet away from me, standing on top of the Astronomy tower.

A cool summer breeze in the hair, blowing my hair wildly.

My chest, rising and falling at the speed of light.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't catch my breath.

As I gasped for air, my eyes widened in disbelief at the sight before me. It was a familiar face, one that I never could've guessed would be standing in front of me right now.

Memories flooded back as I struggled to comprehend the reality of the situation. How could this be happening? My mind raced with questions and emotions as I tried to make sense of it all.

But as our eyes met, a wave of conflicting feelings washed over me. Anger, hurt, confusion, and even a hint of longing all mingled together in that moment. And despite everything, deep down, a part of me still couldn't help but feel a flicker relief, they it was just them.

I'm front of me, was possibly my worst nightmare come true.

In their eyes, pools of regret, embarrassment, and a bit of relief.

This couldn't be.

No fucking way.

It didn't matter how hard I tried, how much I tried to convince my lungs to work, they just wouldn't. Causing my gaps for air to be so audible.

Betrayal, was all I felt. It's the only feeling they pushed my veins.

And those eyes... staring back at me...

The warmth and familiarity that once filled those eyes were replaced with coldness and indifference. The laughter and shared secrets were now distant memories, overshadowed by betrayal and deceit.

It was a heartbreaking realization, a soul crushing realization, that someone I trusted so deeply could turn out to be someone entirely different.

In that moment, as I stared into those empty eyes, I felt a sense of loss and sadness wash over me. The friendship we once had was gone, replaced by emptiness and disappointment. Looking into the eyes of someone I thought was my best friend...

But sometimes even the strongest of bonds, could be broken beyond repair.

"How fucking could you?" I finally broke what felt like a years worth of silence.

"Oh cmon, darling. You didn't have any clue?" His voice appeared closer.

I couldn't tell by the tears fogging my vision.

"I never thought you were capable of doing this to me." I didn't recognize my own voice, it sounded so broken.

He was inches from my face now, his tall statue towering over me. His presence made me uncomfortable now.

"I didn't know how else to do it." He whispered, brushing my hair from my face; which made my entire body shutter.

"Not this way, Theodore." I threw my self as far back as I could.

"Don't do this, yn." He stepped closer.

"Don't come closer, I mean it!" My voice raised, as shaken as it was.

He listened.

"How else was I supposed to tell you I was in love with you?!" His volume meant mine.

"Maybe don't send me pictures of me sleeping?! Of me with Mattheo?! Threatening my secret? Theo! What the fuck?!" I started gasping for air, "I fucking trusted you with my entire life! And this is what you do?!"

"I never planned on doing it this way!" His voice let out the tinniest of cracks, "I came into your room to get something I left on Pansy's side, and I seen you two! I thought you were just fucking. I didn't think it was serious! So I wanted to scare you into breaking it off with him. It became clear you weren't going too. And I didn't know how to react to that! So I kept it up."

Nothing he was saying was making sense. I couldn't believe it.

I didn't want to believe it.

"So you terrorize me?! I couldn't sleep! You held me while I was terrified!" I was sobbing, "I was fucking loosing my self!"

"I felt horrible!" His breath was catching, "you don't think I felt terrible?!"

I said, nothing.

"I didn't know how to process my feelings for you, yn." He whispered.

He was feet away from me, yet I heard his breath catching like he was inches from my ear.

"You're with Pansy." I whispered.

"We're fuck buddies, at best." He scoffed.

"She feels for you, Theo." I wiped a tear, "you were supposed to be my best friend. You were supposed to protect me, and be there for me. Instead, you're the one I was running from." I lost it, crumbling under my own words.

"I've been in love with you since the first fucking train ride! All these years, I had to watch you fawn over these boys; and pick up your pieces when they broke you. I had to watch you fall into the arms of Mattheo Riddle! Are you fucking kidding me? Mattheo?! The playboy of our year! How the fuck does he deserve you, and I don't?!" I could hear the hurt, spilling from his words.

But, my hurt, was worse.

It ran deeper.

"Theo... I'm with Matt. I'm in love with Matt. I have been, for a very long time. He deserves me, because he would never, do this do me. I'm sorry if that hurts you, but it's the truth." I tried to gather my self.

"I know." He let out a deep breath, "I know you are and he's like my brother. But I can't respect it. He doesn't fucking deserve you."

"What are they going to do?" I sighed, sliding down the wall, planting my self on the floor, "when they find out it was you, who was terrorizing me?" My glass eyes looked up at him.

He slid down and filled the space next to me, "I'm sorry yn. I am so sorry that I made you so scared. I didn't know how to process my feelings. You know I don't know how too. Everything just got so... fucked. I love you. I really do, and I don't want to loose you. I can't." I watched the tear, slowly slide down his cheeks, I seen his hurt. I felt it.

"I know Theo," I nodded my head, while cupping his face in my hands, "I love you too... that's why I'm doing this."

I held his head tightly in my hand, while my other slid into my pocket getting my wand out, and holding it firmly to his temple.

"Obliviate." I whispered, as I watched his eyes fade to nothing.

Removing every single loving memory he had of me, every little detail in which he loved about me. Until, I was just a friend in his mind.

I was just yn, the girl he sat next to on the train first year; who became his best friend. Yn, the girl who is in love with his best friend.

Yn, his strictly platonic friend.

As I watched my best friend's memories disappear before my eyes, I couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. But ultimately, I knew it was necessary for both of us to move forward separately. Sometimes, letting go is the only way to find peace in our hearts.

I was showing him mercy. In what the boys would do to him. I was showing him kindness, when he didn't deserve it.

I find myself in this predicament, torn between the love I once felt for him and the betrayal he inflicted upon me. It's hard to forgive and forget when the wounds are still fresh, when the memories of his deceit are burning my skin.

I try to rationalize his actions, to understand why he did what he did. But no matter how hard I try, I can't bring myself to forgive him. The trust has been broken, the bond shattered beyond repair.

My silent sobs over took me, until I was gasping for air.

"Yn?! Why are you crying? Come here."

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