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I heard him.

I seen his lips moving.

I'm heard the words that came out.

But I didn't, hear him.

It was as if I was watching him talk from another body. As if I was a by stander.

Maybe it was the alcohol. Or maybe it was the simple fact that I didn't want to fucking hear what he was saying. I didn't want to believe it.

It wasn't because I had no where else to go, or because I didn't want to go to another home.

It was because I so desperately craved the alone time of being in that manor with him. The memories of last summer flashed through my mind. How happy we were, how free.

Just two kids, with no responsibilities, being able to enjoy the summer. Roaming his manor, running the the rain.

It was were I fell in love with him. I think a part of me so desperately craved do be back there because of all the darkness that surrounded this year.

"Yn?" He whispered, breaking me from my trance.

"Yn." He repeated again.

"Oh." We're the only words I could get out.

"Okay I'm going to need more than that." He reached for my hand, but I moved it before he could get to it, "yn please. It isn't my fault."

"Why?" I looked up at him with squinting eyes, trying everything in my power to not breakdown right here.

"My father is going to be a lot more present this summer. I have more responsibilities this summer, I can't just run around and ignore them." His tone was firm, and still. It sent a shiver down my spine.

"I see." I whispered as I nodded my head.

"Yn. Don't do this." He put his hand on my thigh.

"Do what?" I snapped. I didn't mean too.

"Shut me out. Talk. I'm sure you'll stay with one of them, and I can come visit." He looked hopeful.

"Pansy is traveling this summer, Enzo is going abroad for ministry studies, and Draco's father never lets anyone stay at the manor." I said with a straight face, "so no, I don't think we'll be visiting this summer."

"Theo?" He questioned, "how do you forget your best friend?"

My breath caught.

"His father is a busy man. I'm sure they can't be bothered." I lied.

Theo had offered.

But I absolutely couldn't.

"You're like their daughter, are you serious?" He looked just as confused as I expected him too.

"Yes I'm serious. I'm not here to be a burden on peoples lives and plans. It's fine Matt. I don't blame you. Truly. I'm just sad." I looked at my feet, and chugged the rest of whatever was in my cup.

"You don't think I'm sad? I'm more than sad, but I can't do anything, you don't think I tried?" he moved closer to me, "we still have a week. We'll make the most of it, I promise."

I didn't say anything.

I just nodded.

Getting lost in conversation among everyone.

Because I realized, I would be spending my summer in a girls home. A wizarding girls home. One I so desperately prayed to Merlin I never returned too.

My worst nightmare, was coming true.

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