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My breath caught, on the picture I just sent to group chat. Our bestest friends. Two who had absolutely no idea what they're about to learn. And two who have kept our secret so safely for us.

It felt freeing. To not have to hide anymore. Like a weight was automatically lifted. But, that weight was filled with another, of all of the possibilities of how theo and Draco could react.

Would they feel hurt? Happy? Betrayed?



"Breathe, pretty girl." Mattheo broke me out of my trance.

"I know. Ugh I know." I shook my head.

It had been two minutes since we sent the text. Pansy wasn't here, so I assumed that's why Theo hadn't answered. And Merlin knows where Draco was.


It happened.

1:41 a.m

Is this for real?


Is that picture like
Right now?

That's all you have to say?

I felt my breath once again get caught in my throat. Twice in a matter of three minutes. Record time.

My door flung open, Draco standing in my door was with an expression that appeared like he had just watched someone kill his cat.

Mattheo shot up, out of confusion, and then relaxed his body at the sight of Draco.

"Hi?" I softly spoke after Draco just standing there with that look on his face.

"I had to come and see it with my own eyes." He finally said, eyes locked on me in Mattheos shirt, Mattheo shirtless next to me, and his pants across my floor.

"Oh?" I adjusted the blankets, "that's all?"

"How fucking long has this been happening?!" His voice a little louder this time.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Echoed through my room, we heard it before we saw Theo appear, with Pansy out of breath behind him "I just had to see it with my own eyes."

"Okay next person to say that owes me money." Mattheo scoffed. "Say anything else."

"How long has this been going on?!" Theo asked, as if him and Draco were interlinked.

"That's a hard answer." I whispered, with a shy smile on my face.

Enzo walked in, read the room and quickly adjusted.

"Merlin." He shook his head, "look at this."
He tried his best to make his face match his words.

"It happen over summer. Stopped once we got to school. Continued in between relationships, and a few weeks ago we decided to give it a real try." I half smiled.

"SUMMER?" Draco screamed so loud, I thought Dumbledore might hear him in his study.

"It was a summer fling." Mattheo added, "it just got serious."

"This person, has been holding this over my head. I wanted to be the ones to tell you, and not have anyone have something on me. So, there it is. Mattheo and I are together." I said a little more assertive.

"Fucking summer?" Draco scoffed.

"Dray." I started.

"Don't. You think my two best friends would tell me they've been fooling around." He shook his head.

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