12. And So, It Begins

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(A/N): Thanks for holding on my loves ❤️ I've seen all of your kind comments, both in the story and on my page

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(A/N): Thanks for holding on my loves ❤️ I've seen all of your kind comments, both in the story and on my page. I've read EVERY single one of them, regardless if I replied or not. your kindness has brought tears to my eyes. I'm so happy to finally say with confidence: I'm back!

PS: to those of you asking about making fan art: YES PLEASE! That would be such an honor! You have my full permission:) just @ my user in a book so I can see it! If comfortable, I'd love to post the artwork on here!


"No." Ego stated, his black eyes darkened with distaste. He drummed his fingers impatiently on the table. "If you think I'd follow along with such a foolish plan then you're dead wrong."

The men at the table all glanced at each other nervously, eyeing Ego up and down. At the head of the table across from Ego, the head of the JFU glared at him displeasingly.

"Why do you decline, Jinpachi-san? You don't think she can handle it?" He challenged, obviously trying to get on the man's nerves. Anri gulped nervously, looking back and forth between the two men. His comment caused a scoff to be released from Ego's pale lips. "Can't handle it? Please. If anyone can handle it out of your pathetic players, it's her."

"Then why the hesitation? Hm?"

"Because my daughter is not some fool you can toy with. Do not forget she is your largest asset," his dark stare pierced into the man's quivering face. Ego forced down a grin. "It'd be a shame if you were to suddenly lose such a powerful tool."

Ego Jinpachi had the upper-hand, he himself knew this. The power that surged through his veins caused Ego to laugh sadistically at the men. He enjoyed watching them suffer, especially after they tested his limits through their attempt at 'sabotaging' his daughter's future. He would not let them walk away unscathed for this idiocracy.

"Let's go, Anri. This group of senile wankers have already wasted enough of our time." The two Blue Lock managers stood from their seats, stalking towards the exit. A comment, however, caused them to stop in their tracks.

"So I guess Blue Lock really wasn't worth all of our time and money, huh?" One of the grouchier men at the table called out, picking at his yellowed teeth (presumably colored such a way from the large cigar hanging from his mouth). "How unfortunate. A shame, really," he puffed out a dark cloud of smoke. "Sounded like you all were making some progress, too." He frowned fraudulently.

Anri stormed over, blood boiling hotter with every click of her heel. "What are you trying to imply, sir?" She spoke lowly. The man sneered at her. "Quiet, girl. I'm not speaking to you." He brushed her off, shooing her disrespectfully with his wrinkled hand.

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