Chapter 15: Tasha

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"HE WHAT" Milton yelled. I smiled awkwardly holding up the two tickets Emmett bought me. Milton snatched the tickets out my hand staring intently at it. Scouring every bit of information. Milton looked back up to me "he really did!That fucker". I slapped Milton shoulder and he frowned. "Don't say that. It was a nice kind gesture" I grinned holding the tickets tight to my chest.

"No, No. No" Milton shook his finger in my face. "I'm telling you he is bad news. I don't want you to get your hopes up" he says tapping at the paper tickets. My face droops and a frown etches upon my face. "I'm sorry I don't want to make you upset. Besides I can't go. My parents are taking me camping that weekend since they thought we weren't going to the book event" Milton explained.

"Who am I supposed to go with now" my voice cracked. "T" I hear Emmett voice yell out. I turned around as Kyle and him came down the hallway. Kyle quickly threw his arm over Milton aggravating him. Emmett looked at me but I move my eyes back to Milton. "Get off me brute"! "So, sassy" Kyle laughed letting Milton go. "Why don't you too meet us at our lunch table" Emmett asked addressing me.

"Lunch table" Milton questioned? "I ate lunch with Kyle and Emmett Friday". "Really" Milton said playfully. However, I knew that his tone wasn't pleasing but judging. "What's wrong, Pinky" Emmett asked. "Nothing I shook my head. We will meet you there" I assured. I grabbed Milton dragging him to outside door.

Once we went to the empty table I sat us down. "Why Tasha? I'm trying to save you a whole lot of hurt. Do you not understand that" Milton expressed holding my hand. I slipped my hand out of his "he's different at least with me. He's not what you think. So can you just let me be. I want to get my hope's up. I think I have a chance" my eyes narrow.

"Okay, okay. I'm gonna let you do you but just know if he hurts you I'm gonna whoop his ass". I smiled nodding hugging him softly. We let go hearing two trays slam down. "I know. I know I said I wasn't gonna eat the school lunch but it's so good" Kyle huffed. "Of course you would eat that disgusting junk" Milton joked. Kyle frowned rolling his eyes "and what are you eating"?

"PB and J of course" Milton said with an arched brow. "And you" Emmett asked? "Club Sandwich" I answered. They watch us take our lunches and switch half's. Kyle whispered something to Emmett and he glared. Then Emmett pushed Kyle and he smiled. I look at Milton and he shrugged. My mind wander to the two tickets. Should I sell the other one? I didn't want to be alone going to the event.

"Pinky" Emmett shouted. I stared wide eyed and confused. "Don't shout at her" Milton hissed. "Sorry" I said shaking my head. Emmett ignored Milton looking at me with worried eyes. "I was asking what's wrong"?
"The Tickets that were sold out for the book Con that you bought might not get used" Milton smiled tiling his head. "Why? You didn't like it" Emmett whispered. "You bought her tickets to a book fair" Kyle asked.

"It's not a book fair, idiot" Milton laughed. "Not an idiot. I just didn't understand why my dear friend brought my other friend tickets to a boring book party" Kyle chuckled. "Because her birthday is coming up". "It's not a book party" I chuckled. "It's a place where readers can meet some of their favorite authors. Plus get their books signed and ask questions" Emmett explained.

We all were stunned and Emmett laughed nervously. "Did your research, bud" Milton nodded. "Just read about it while trying to get the tickets" he muttered. Kyle laughed loudly making Milton shush him. While my heart fluttered and a smile crept up.

He did this research for me. I mean it couldn't have been easy trying to get those sold out tickets. "So, the tickets" Emmett asked. "I can't go and she doesn't want to go alone" Milton told. "Oh" Kyle said nodding with understanding. "I could go..with you. If you want" Emmett suggested. "Really" I said too enthusiastic.

Emmett leaned in "I mean I'm probably not the best company since ...I dont read to many books like your friend but I can go" he over explained. "I would love your company" I said looking him in the eye. "Great" Emmett's said moving his eyes else where. Which made my smile falter. He's not interested in me just doing a friendly duty. Great.

Damien sat his tray down sitting next to me. The rest of his friends added to the table as well. Including Giana the girl Emmett openly kissed.  She sat right on the other side of him and I just wanted to cry. Walk away or just ignore them all together. "Hi"! "Hey" I said looking at Damien. "So, I tried the restaurant you told me about Friday" Damien smiled. I turned giving him my full attention "Really, well how was it" ? "Great, I was thinking-" Damien got cut off.

A tray slammed against the table startling everyone. It was silent and we all looked up. Emmett stood with a dark expression over his face. He grabbed Giana's hand and they slipped away. There they go again. Together.
The IT Couple.

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