CH. 3

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Violan had to make a panic room out of nowhere. With her bastard of a husband, her trash firstborn, and her shithead secondborn, she would need that specialized room where she could keep her dignity and grace while shouting profanities for her boys.

"Hah. I guess flipping places around is my boys' hobby." The nonstop paperwork continued in her office, so she ordered the three to stay and do all of the work! This vile hobby of theirs kept her away from social gatherings because she needed to clean up after their shitshow!

She should have known since the day she married her spouse. She would sign up for every shitshow. Not once or twice, but three times!

Oh, I hope my daughter does not become like her father and older brothers.

If Lilly became identical to them, she would undoubtedly go insane!



"Hyung-nim!/Cale!" the two girls exclaimed, hugging his leg and laughing coquettishly. Hong and Raon both jump onto his shoulders. "Cale!/Human!"

"What?" he asked, patting each child individually.

"Basen-Hyung returned home after flipping the tea party over," Lilly said.

"They are annoying, of course..." Basen, once a goody-two-shoes, finally switches roles.

"Good," Cale said, eliciting a loud groan from Violan, who had arrived to welcome him home.

"My premonitions are correct," she says, patting Cale's head. "Your innocent baby brother is no more..."

"Yeah, not very cute."

"I know right, Sweetie," Violan huffs and smiles at him, "I wonder where he learned flipping places over..."

"That would be from Hyung-nim," Basen retorts, earning another round of laughs from the girls.

"I have not taught you anything, Bassen."

"Yes, you did," Bassen said, smirking as he looked at his brother.

"Let us go inside now," Violan said, pulling Cale and Basen to discuss why he flipped things over.

"I will be training then, Cale-nim." Choi Han smiled at him. Hong went with him and Raon.

"Okay, come to my room when you're done."


Ohn assumed her cat form, while Cale held Lily in his arms. His sister is tall, so he will most likely be unable to lift her in a few months. Lilly was a cute little thing back then, and he would always carry her around while doing nonsense in other noble houses. Throughout the ordeal, she would gurgle, laugh, and sleep in his arms, but time had flown. His baby sister was no more. He spoiled her rotten but it was a good thing that she didn't turn like those spoiled brats from other households and that's what made her really adorable!

Well, I should enjoy carrying her while I still can. He pondered. She will eventually be taller than I am now. Worse, she will be the one to carry me.

When Cale entered the lounge, he sat with Lily and Onn on his lap, Basen beside him, and Violan in front.

"So, why did you flip the tea party?" he inquired.

"They are badmouthing Hyung-nim," Basen responded seriously.

"You know I do not care about that," he responded.

Basen was initially hesitant, but admitted, "They said you are not good enough for the Count's seat, that you were easy to go lucky, that is why I will be chosen as heir. But they are wrong! I am not studying politics and administration to become a Count, but to help Hyung-nim."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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