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Minji loves Hanni. Hanni knows that. At least she tries to remind herself that she does. She tends to show it by spoiling Hanni, showering the younger girl with gifts. Be it big or small.

Whatever Hanni wants Minji will make sure Hanni gets.

However, what Minji doesn't realise is, ultimately, Hanni doesn't want much. Hanni may not earn as much as Minji, but she usually still has more than enough to provide for herself. So she honestly doesn't need most of those material things Minji likes to buy her.

What she does need... is Minji's time.

She wants to see more of Minji, to have her hold her in her arms, to be close to her always. And Minji is... Well, she is always busy. It's ridiculous really, how Minji is so attached to her work.

Hanni knows she can't help it. Minji is a perfectionist when it came to her job, a workaholic. She was raised this way. But they are living together in the same apartment and yet Hanni feels like she doesn't even see Minji enough.

That frustrates Hanni to no end. It upsets her, that she barely sees her girlfriend nowadays. But she tries to understand. Tries her best to be understanding. It's not like Minji wants to be this busy.

She doesn't show it- Minji is good at hiding her emotions- but she is definitely stressed out by her work. Hanni shouldn't make it any more difficult for her.

Hanni and Minji have a special relationship after all. It probably isn't in Minji's place to question her nor ask for too much. Minji is the dominant one in their relationship, and Hanni respects that because, at the end of the day, she is willingly her submissive.

They have established it before, although not explicitly, but it was a known fact between them. It came rather naturally, the dynamics of Minji and Hanni's relationship, like pieces of a puzzle that fit well together. And well, as a submissive, she should behave. Be obedient. Submit to her dominant partner. Hanni knows that, and she had always been okay with that, submitting to Minji. In fact, she enjoys it. If it was Minji, it was okay.

Especially... In bed. Although, then again, they weren't strictly inflexible about it. Minji was very reasonable and open-minded, plus she doted on Hanni a lot. So sometimes, their dynamics could be... bent... slightly... if they wanted it to be.

That was that.

When it came to day to day situations like this though, Hanni isn't sure if she should just be quietly submissive about it. Turning a blind eye to this has failed to quench the bitterness in her throat
recently. Having things she wants to let out but holding it back. Minji is always out with
someone else after all. A client meeting. A business event. A dinner party. She is always surrounded by the elite. The rich, the successful, and- not to mention- gorgeous people. Just like herself.

Sometimes Hanni can't help being jealous. Feeling worried. What if she wasn't enough for her? Kim Minji the great lawyer. The heir to a multibillion-dollar company. Daughter of one of Korea's
richest socialites. Hanni was just an ordinary girl. To put it simply... Easily replaced.

That thought worries her. Minji could have anyone she wanted, yet she chose to be with Hanni.

It doesn't make sense sometimes. How long will Hanni be enough for her?

Even so, Hanni still wants to be with her. She just wants Minji to be hers. She wants to belong to Kim Minji. Completely.

It's that simple...

But is it really?
Hanni decides to throw a tantrum.

It was very immature of her, yes, and she wasn't always like this but... she was going to do it anyway. Just so she can get Minji 's attention. Just to see if she'd notice or care.

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