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"Hey– Woah slow down! Y-yah where are we rushing off to?" Minji wondered aloud when they were outside.

Even though the streets were bustling with life, the noise it was producing can never be compared to the loud consistent noises from the inside of the arcade.

Minji finds that she was still getting used to the sudden change of sounds, her ears were ringing slightly making her raise her voice more so than usual when she spoke to Hanni.

Mistaking that Minji was annoyed, Hanni let's go of her arm. "Why are you yelling at me?"

"W-what? I wasn't yelling," she said, still pretty loud.

"You are!" Hanni starts raising her voice too.

"I–" taken aback from Hanni's sudden change in behavior Minji starts to find herself growing impatient too.

Why was Hanni being so unreasonable all of a sudden? "Well you're yelling too?!"
Hanni looks at Minji grumpily, and Minji levels her gaze. Suddenly they're having a stare- off, neither one backing away. It doesn't last long when Hanni starts to frown, feeling tears start to well up at the back of her eyes. She hates it when they fight.

Before she could let Minji see how vulnerable she was, Hanni blinks them away, turns around, and starts stomping off.

Of course, Minji notices it anyway. "Wha– Yah! Hanni!" Minji called after her, still very confused at what was going on.

What the heck? It takes less than 10 seconds for Minji to chase after her, reaching Hanni in no time. Okay...
Hanni is... mad? Minji thinks.

She is assuming that because Hanni is walking very quickly in an angry manner.

"Hanni?" Minji says, her slightly longer legs easily catching up and matching the younger woman's steps.

"What?" Hanni snaps, huffing as she continued to walk faster.

"Why are you... angry?" Minji asks, finding it kind of funny how they're walking so
abnormally fast. They're walking away from the crowded streets into the quieter area where the shops are getting lesser and lesser.

The sudden silent atmosphere makes Minji realise that maybe she was indeed talking too loudly after all... She wonders if she should feel bad... Oh but in the meantime... Does Hanni even know where she was going?

"I'm not angry!" Hanni denies.

"Oh really?" Minji says in a kind of mocking manner.

"Then why are we walking so fast?"

"N-no we're not." Hanni stops in her tracks. "See."

Minji chuckles at her childish behaviour shaking her head. When Hanni tries to walk away again, offended that Minji seems to be laughing at her, Minji holds onto her hand. "Yah yah yah," she pulls Hanni back towards her. "Just where do you think you're going?" she asks, sternly this time.

Hanni sulks, keeping quiet.
And Minji looks at her raising an eyebrow in amusement.


she calls her, going to step closer towards her.

"What?" Hanni mutters, still grumpy, crossing her arms, but she doesn't move away when Minji reaches out to tuck a strain of hair behind her ear.

"What happened back there, hm?" Minji asks her, her voice softer this time.

When Hanni does that thing where she darts her eyes away from her, Minji raises a hand to tug at her face. "Hey I'm talking to you Pham Hanni-ssi, don't avoid me," she says, index finger and thumb pressing into Hanni's cheeks as she shook her face lightly.

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