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Hanni doesn't respond for a moment, darting her eyes away.

'Ah, I see...' Minji thinks

When Minji, gently tugs at her face to make her look back at her and searches her eyes, Hanni finally answers her with a meek, "Yes..."

The frown on Minji's face afterwards made Hanni's heart drop. "Oh..." Minji trails off, seeming to be pondering. "What did I do then?"

Right. What did Minji do? What did she do that was so wrong that made Hanni so upset?...

... Nothing.

All Minji did was work. Work. Work. Work. That's all she does. Hanni hates it. But was it wrong? No.

"Hanni?" Minji lets out when Hanni has gone quiet.

"You're too busy," Hanni says, there is hurt in her voice when she tears her eyes away from Minji's. "You're always so busy... You... You don't seem to have time for me... anymore."

Hanni holds her breath. She doesn't know how Minji would react, to be honest. It feels good that she has finally told Minji how she felt... But at the same time, she felt awful? She feels terrible, and stupid, as though she's being a brat and complaining about how Minji isn't doing a good job at being her girlfriend.

Which isn't true. Minji is great. She has been nothing but sweet to her. She is just... Extremely busy recently. And felt a little cold. Maybe it was because Hanni wasn't used to not having her attention.

Hanni is very clingy after all.
Would Minji think that Hanni was being unreasonable? Call her childish? Will she be
defensive and get mad? Will they end up fighting over this? Hanni waits, her heart pounding nervously.

Minji doesn't say anything at first, and Hanni dare not look at her, her eyes casting downwards.

"Minji..." she mutters meekly, going to play with Minji's hands. "Say something?"
To her surprise, Minji pulls her into another hug.

"I'm sorry," Minji breathes once again.

Hanni doesn't know what to say. She hadn't expected Minji to apologize. Minji the lawyer,
who's quick-witted and knowledgeable and always right. Minji who finds joy in debating with others and spewing sarcastic remarks just to prove a point. The woman who always has a logical explanation for everything she does.

Hanni doesn't know why she feels more frustrated than relieved. Except this time, she thinks she's more frustrated at herself.

"I know I haven't been spending a lot of time with you recently and... I-I really wish I could but... A lot has been happening at work so I just..." She sighs.

"I'm sorry..."


"I know, I know it's getting out of hand and I know I don't tell you enough but just... Just hear me out... I..."Minji takes a deep breath.

"I want to tell you how I'll be more free starting next month, but then again, to be honest, I really don't know if I'll be able to spend more time with you in the near future, at least not for the next couple of months for now..." she sighs. "I mean I know I come off as a workaholic to everyone but sometimes I want a break too you know," she tells Hanni a matter of factly. "Like it'd be nice if I could take a week off and go on vacation with you or something, and I have been thinking about it... A lot..."

"R-really?" Hanni asks, surprised that Minji would even think about leaving her work for a week. The great lawyer Kim Minji. Leaving her work. For a whole week. That in itself seems bizarre and unbelievable. Although, Minji including Hanni in plans like these makes her really glad.

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