Chapter 9

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Believe it or not, Lexa Thorn didn't make it to Pop's Diner after the game. One of her friends told me she didn't feel like celebrating the big win any more than she had at the game since Austin's funeral was tomorrow. Of course, Layla wasn't there either, and I found myself with no female attention, which was fine because I had all of my teammates patting me on the back and putting me on a pedestal. I relished in my moment of glory like a Roman gladiator who'd come home from a victorious battle. The comparison came to mind because we'd studied Roman culture in my history class this past week, and it made me laugh when I thought about it. A football was my sword, and my pads were my battle armor. But seriously, I tried not to let it all go to my head.

After rounds of greasy cheeseburgers, fries, and shakes, when Blake got up to go to the restroom, Elijah Ray sat down beside me in the booth. "Some of us guys are going to the rock crusher to do some night swimming." His cheeks brightened and his brow rose with the expectation of what he was about to ask me. "We like to jump off the cliff into the water, do a little high diving. Take the plunge. It really gets your adrenaline pumping, if you know what I mean. You should go with us."

"Sounds like a lot of fun," I replied.

"Some of us like to howl at the moon." He grinned, and it reminded me of Coach Steele's wolf-like smile. "Others just love the night."

"That's interesting." My eyes narrowed. "But it's already late and I have to go to Austin's funeral tomorrow."

"We'll be there too." He shrugged. "But if you're not up for it tonight."

"Thanks for the offer, but..."

Elijah patted my shoulder and gave it a firm squeeze. "Don't worry. You'll come around soon enough."

Thankfully, Blake returned from the restroom and Elijah slid out from the booth. "You made some great catches out there, man," Elijah said. "You should reconsider the coach's offer."

"Thanks," Blake replied. "But no thanks."

"No worries." After giving Blake a knuckle bump, Elijah led the way as Ryan, Casper, Koby, and the rest of the coach's core group left the diner.

After paying our dinner bill, Blake and I made our way out too, stopping at our vehicles. "You going home?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm beat. What about you?"

I took a deep breath and stared at him, feeling a serious mood settling over me. "Still got some energy to burn. And... I thought I'd swing by Layla's house to see her. I didn't have a chance to speak to her after the game, and I feel like I need to."

"You were too busy ogling over Lexa Thorn."

"Maybe." I put my hand on the door handle of my truck. "I've been confused lately when it comes to girls."

"You better make up your mind." He jabbed a finger in my chest. He was smiling, and it wasn't a hard poke, but his message came loud and clear. "Don't hurt her and don't lead her on. She's a great person."

I nodded. "She's the best."

"She is, and don't you forget it."

With that comment resonating in me, we went our separate ways.

During the ten-minute drive to Layla's house, I did a lot of thinking. Some of it was about Layla, and of course, Lexa, but a ton of it was about that agent guy, John Smith. He said to call him when I was ready, whatever that meant. I didn't know what he wanted with me, but I suspected it had something to do with Austin Campbell's death. It had to.

Other thoughts weighed heavily on me, like thoughts of the pill's side effects. What would I experience, seeing the coach said it depends on the individual? I had been so determined to succeed in football that I paid little mind to what I might experience after taking the first pill. According to the coach, it was a daily regimen of five days a week, one of those bright red gel capsules for every practice and game. I would get stronger and faster with each dose and each subsequent rush of adrenaline. Adrenaline was the key. He made that clear. Next week, I would start the grueling extra workout sessions with the rest of the core group. I didn't know what went on during those workouts, but now the thought of it taking up more of my time after school and practice had me thinking twice about it.

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