Chapter 15

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Below me, pale moonlight reflected off the water lying in an excavated bowl at the bottom of the rock crusher. The glare glowed back up at the towering cliffs, revealing a group of shadowy figures standing at the precipice, eager for me to step forward. Although Agent Smith didn't know I still had my strength and speed, the people waiting for me were well aware. They wouldn't underestimate me.

I held my position on the cliff, about fifty yards away, listening intently, trying to nail down the locations of all my adversaries. My heightened senses were new, catching me by surprise at Layla's house when I went to look for her. My sense of smell hummed too. I was fine-tuned tonight, hearing the slightest movements of the shadowy figures as they shifted their feet against the rock, also catching a whiff of the two werewolves, Koby Sanders and Jacob Hamm, even though they hadn't transformed yet. I believed it had something to do with the fact I was part werewolf too, at least somewhere inside the monster that I was. According to what I could tell, my sharpened senses were linked to my condition, brought on by the adrenaline that rushed through my body when I pulled up to Layla's house. I assumed I'd learn how to use those abilities on-demand with time and experience.

Agent Smith had chosen a position on the opposite ridge. The cliff surrounded the water in a semicircle, the shimmering surface sitting down below where excavators had dug out the rock and transported it along a road that led away into town. We had arrived early and scouted out where we'd hide out until midnight. As far as we knew, we had gotten to the rock crusher first. The element of surprise was vital. It might be our only advantage, considering our opponents would outnumber us. I was kneeling on the cliff side across from Agent Smith, observing as midnight drew near. I counted six figures. It looked like I was facing off against Elijah, Casper, and Ryan, the vampires, and also Koby, Jacob, and Coach Steele, the werewolves.

At the stroke of midnight, I stepped from the shadows of a large group of boulders into the open for them to see, in full view, under the bright moonlight. Upon seeing me, Ryan and Casper moved along the cliff face, igniting torches, sticking them into any crevice they could find to hold them in place. The result was a well-lit perimeter around them, glowing orange, their shadows dancing about as they moved.

With their surroundings illuminated, Coach Steele said to the players, "Get them."

On command, Koby and Jacob slipped away, but soon returned. They came back into view, pulling along struggling figures by their sides. Hostages. I knew it right away.

Thump-thump, thump-thump. I heard their elevated heart rates, mortal fear gripping them as their captors dragged them out into the middle of the flaming torches. Quickly, I recognized Layla, her cries terrifying me and emboldening me to take action. I didn't expect what I saw next, but I should have... Blake, held firm by the muscular arm of Jacob Hamm.

Layla and Blake had their hands tied behind their backs as Koby and Jacob ran a rope between their arms, binding them together. They guided them to the middle of the area, lit by the torches.

I drew to within fifty feet of their position and stopped, trying to decide how I could save Layla and Blake without getting one of them killed, or both of them.

"Come closer," a man said. It took me a few seconds to recognize who the voice belonged to. But it didn't come from anyone standing where I could see them. I knew who it was, and it sent a chill down my spine. "Don't be afraid."

I shook my head, an almost imperceptible gesture, hoping Agent Smith was watching me. "Just don't do anything yet." I held out my hands toward them to stave off any sudden violence. "Here I come."

I crept to within the outer perimeter of the glowing torches.

"Good," the voice said as he came closer.

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