Chapter 4

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Debut's perspective;

Oops, I ended up falling asleep on the bench and staying there for the night. Turns out people thought I was homeless so I got woken up by someone throwing a coin at me which was awkward.

Turns out I had like 22 texts and 13 missed calls from Fearless so I decided to call her back

"Hey Fearless"

"Debut where tf are you"

"Oh, uh... I fell asleep"

"Really, you expect me to believe that"

"Uhm yes have you met me"

"I can't believe you Debut" She hung up

"Fuck," I slumped back in my chair. I decided to go back home and try to talk to her, but I wasn't sure how effective that would be.

When I got back home I ignored the others asking where I was and why I came back with more money than I left with, and went straight to her room. I opened the door and she was sitting on her bed on her phone.

"What do you want" She said, still staring at her phone

"To know why you're mad" I quickly scanned the room to make sure there were no chairs.

"Why do you think"

"I don't know, why do you care so much?"

"Why do I care so much?" She closed her phone. "Debut, you were upset, then you left the house and didn't come back, you could have been anywhere! You could have died, you could have gone to a bar and gotten drunk, you're hot enough that they would let you in without- shitshitshit no your not hot. I mean not that your NOT hot, but like not in a weird way, as friends. I just meant that-" I hugged her and she stopped talking.

"Sorry, you were rambling" I pulled away, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. "I'm sorry for not coming back, I actually did fall asleep"

"...I may have reacted a teensy bit strongly." She grinned sheepishly, but I could tell that something was worrying her. "Look Debut, I need to get this off my chest, I do think you're hot. I was worried about you be-because I like you as more than a friend and if you want to stop being friends then t-thats ok but you asked why I cared so I thought I'd better give you the truth," she rushed.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek, trying to give myself courage to do what I knew I should do. I knew that I liked her as well, but words wouldn't come so instead I just hugged her again, this time from the side, snuggling my head into her shoulder and laying my legs across her lap. "I like you too" I'm mumbled into her shoulder, "But can we... Can we not tell people about us yet?" I asked. "I'm not ready to come out"

"We'll go at whatever pace you're comfortable with" She smiled and laid her head on top of mine

Folklore's perspective;

I decided to finally face what I had been putting off, and talk to Speak Now. I knocked on her door and heard her say to come in, so I pushed the door open and saw her and Red sitting next to each other, but when I walked in, Red stood up.

"Aaaand this is my cue to leave," She hurried out.

"Hi Speak Now," I sat down on her bed.

"Hi Folklore, I'm confused, I thought you were mad at me," She looked worried.

"No not at all, I came to tell you that your feelings are very much reciprocated on my part, and I was wondering whether you would still be willing to start a relationship with me," I waited in angst for her to collect her thoughts and reply.

"Absolutely, and sorry about yesterday, I just freaked out and left," She said, shuffling closer to me. I reached out and closed the gap between us, wrapping my arm around her and lightly squeezing her shoulder. I looked over at her and our eyes met, the closeness of our lips feeling not uncomfortable but instead rather comforting. I raised my eyebrows in an unspoken question to her, and she nodded slightly. I slowly moved my head forward, removing the space between our faces and kissing her.

"Will you be my girlfriend Speak Now?" I asked, wanting to have something official to make sure.

"Absolutely" she giggled


Lover🩷; Hi guys we should have a party tonight!

Midnights💙; Will there be alcohol?

Debut🤠; Can I DRINK alcohol???

Rep🖤; Why? 

Lover🩷; @ Midnights, Yes there will be alcohol but you should bring some more we dont have much. @ Debut, NO YOU CAN'T, that goes for you too @ Fearless.    @ Rep, Because I'm bored 

Fearless🪑💛; Damn why not I'm technically old enough to drink... In Australia...

Lover🩷; No alcohol you two, I'll get someone to watch you

A/N; This is really short but I have... big plans for the next part 🤭

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