Chapter 11

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(Idk how police stuff works dont come for me)

Lover's perspective; 

When we arrived at the police station, they took me into a little room and started asking me questions. 

"Please can I just go home?" I asked. They kept asking me stuff I wasn't ready to answer, and I really just wanted to get home to my bed. 

"Sure, is there anyone we can call to pick you up?" 

"Yes, Her name is Reputation," I didn't care if she had cheated on me, at that point, I just wanted to be with her. 

"And what relation would Reputation be to you?" 

"She's um... My girlfriend," I decided on saying she was my girlfriend, because saying she was my ex sounds rather weird. 

The medical person came and bandaged up my cuts and gave me some bruise ointment, but then the same officer came into the room and said that Rep had arrived. I walked out to the car and Rep was standing there biting her lip. 

"Oh my god Lover," She said when she saw me. In that moment, seeing her so concerned about me, I forgot about everything that happened and ran into her arms. I collapsed against her, burying my face in her hoodie. 

"I missed you so much Rep," I sobbed, my voice slightly muffled from being pressed against her. 

"Hey, it's ok baby, I'm here now," She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer into her, slipping into the back seat of the car to give us some privacy. After I had stopped crying, I laid down with my head in her lap, hiccuping softly. "It's ok, you're safe love," She stroked my face gently, wiping the tears off. "You ready to go home?" 

I nodded and sat up, walking around to the passenger seat. On the drive home we were mostly silent, but I was holding Rep's hand over the console the whole way, and it made me feel safe. When we got home, she stopped before we went inside. 

"Do you want to go straight to your room?" She paused with her hand on the doorknob. 

"Um, could we go to your room?" I asked, not wanting to put her out but also not wanting to be alone. 

"Of course, lets go," We managed to avoid any interaction on the way up, and when we got up the top she went to close the door but hesitated when she saw that I looked scared. "Do you want me to leave it open?" She asked, and I nodded so she left it open a crack. 

"Thank you Rep," I smiled at her softly as she sat down next to me. 

"So, uh, it's been a while since we've talked," She said

"Yup," We sat in silence for a few seconds, and then both started talking at once. "I'm sorry for blowing up at you, I-"

"I'm so sorry for what I did, I was drunk and-" 

"I love you," 

Fearless' perspective; 

The next morning we had a doctors appointment for Debut, which meant that I had to wake her up early. 

"Hey, wake up," I shook her softly. 

"I don't wanna," She whined, pulling the blanket over her head. 

"We're already late, get up or i'll have to carry you there," I giggled,  and I tried to sound stern but she looked so cute. 

"Carry me then," She grinned, peeking out from under the blanket. 

"If you insist," I shrugged and she reached out her hands for me to grab. I pulled her up and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I grabbed her thighs (Not like that you horny bitches), and held her up. She laid her head on my shoulder, but after a bit I could feel her slipping off, I mean I'm pretty much the same height as her and I don't have that much muscle. 

"Wait I'm gonna drop you you're too heavy," I placed her down on the bed, starting to laugh but then I saw that her smile had dropped and immediately felt horrible. "Oh my god no that's not what I meant, I'm so sorry," 

"I'm going to get ready now, you probably should as well," She said quietly, and I nodded and left. 

I got ready and washed my face, then went back to Debut's room and knocked on the door. 

"We need to leave soon, you ready?" 

"Coming," She opened the door and we walked down to the car in silence. 

"Hey you two, where are you going?" 1989 stopped us. 

"To an appointment," I said.

"Can I come? I'm bored and I have nothing to do," I looked to Debut for an answer but she looked away. 

"Yeah sure, come on," The car ride was tense, and 1989 looked confused because we normally never shut up. 

"Not to probe, but did something happen between you two?" 

"Oh look at that we're here, let's go in," I practically jumped out of the car, walking into the waiting room with the other two following behind me. Debut got called in and all three of us walked in, but there was only two chair. 

"Would one of you like to leave?" The doctor stared pointedly at me. 

"No" I sat down on the floor, leaving the doctor to blink at me. 

"Um, well lets get started," 

1989's perspective;

I decided to talk to Midnights about how I felt, because I couldn't keep running away from my feelings anymore. When the (very awkward) doctors appointment ended, I went straight up to her room and entered. 

"Hey Mid," I said, sitting next to her on her bed. 

"Hey Nine, what's up?" 

"I wanted to talk to you about something," I said, and she tilted her head in a question. "Well uh, the other night at the party, I know you hooked up with Rep and I know that we're not dating or anything I mean that would be crazy, but I was asking myself why I felt so strongly about it and Lover told me to consider the fact that I might have feelings for you and I-" 

She cut me off by kissing me, and after a second of being in shock, I kissed back. When the kiss started to deepen, I pulled away. 

"Sorry, I just don't want to move too fast because I know, well, what-"

"What I'm like?" I started to backtrack, but she grinned and interrupted me again. "It's fine, thank you for doing that actually. Since this is happening, would you uh, want to go on a date with me?" 

"Sure, that'd be great," I blushed. "When?" 

"Right now? I have something to show you, come on," She grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs to the garage, then opened it and showed me a brand new motorbike. (If you're reading this, you're welcome, you know who you are.) 

"Cool, huh? Wanna take it for a spin?" I nodded at her and she wheeled it out. "Hop on behind me and hold onto my waist," I did as she said, and she passed me a helmet and we both put ours on. I held onto her tight as she started the engine, and squealed a bit when we took off. 

"Scared?" She asked, looking back at me. 

"EYES ON THE ROAD PLEASE," I panicked and pulled myself closer into her back, hiding my face in her shoulder so I couldn't see. 

A/N; I ran out of ideas halfway through the motorbike bit so I just ended it lol

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