Chapter 16

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Good luck reading this its very weird (Theres torture :D)

Debut's perspective; 

"I saw you writing before, what was it," Rep hissed from the bed over. 

"Um- Just ways- my diary," I bit my lip, because my ways to escape were all pretty stupid, and I was at that point terrified of her because of her earlier murder attempt, which was a prank, but still made me cry. 

"No I've read your diary it was a different book," She mused. I was slightly concerned that she had read my diary, but decided to answer truthfully. 

"Ways to escape," I admitted. 

"Let me see it," She grabbed the book and opened it, scoffing at the contents. "You're so stupid, I've already got it planned out," 

"Really? How? Can I come with you, please?" I begged, desperate to escape. 

"You'd mess me up, now go back to sleep," She patted my head and stood up, grabbing her bag. I stood up, not going to pass up an opportunity to leave. 

She picked the lock with a hair clip, and pulled it open silently, slipping out with me behind her. 

"What are you doing I told you not to come," She rolled her eyes. "Well you're not going back now, it's too risky. Come on," 

We walked through the silent house, shadows from cars passing by flitting over the windows, drunk people walking past every few minutes as we held our breath. Suddenly there was a creak from upstairs and we both froze. I was praying that he was just going to the bathroom, or getting a midnight snack, but I heard the footsteps coming closer. 

"Run back, we have enough time before he's here,"  Rep jogged back down the stairs and to the door, opening and shutting it before I had enough time to follow. I stood with wide eyes as I saw his silhouette make its way down the hallway towards me. 

"Who's there," His gruff voice echoed through the silence of the night, making me jump. He turned a torch on and glared at me, probably for interrupting his beauty sleep.  "Look what the cat dragged in," He grinned disconcertingly  at me, then grabbed my shoulder. "You're coming with me now," 

"Where are we going?" I whispered. 

"You try run away, I make sure you never, ever do it again," He pushed me aggressively into a small room. "I'll deal with you in the morning, I need more sleep," 

I heard the door get locked from the outside, and sunk down the wall, starting to cry again. 

Fearless' perspective; 

When I woke up, Debut wasn't in the bed next to me,  but I figured she was in the bathroom. Then she didn't come back and I started to get worried. 

"Hey guys, has anyone seen Debut recently?" I asked, coming out of the kitchen after eating a dissatisfying breakfast.  

"No, sorry," Various replies came from everyone across the room except for Rep, who was still sleeping. Apparently we had woke her up, the lump of blankets shifting as she stretched out. 

"Someone say Debut?" She groaned

"Yes, what did you do to her," I walked over and pulled the blanket off her. 

"Chill dude, I don't remember that much but she tried to follow me out and got caught," 

"Oh my gosh what," I started panicking. "Don't go back to sleep, this is a huge deal!" 

"She'll survive, actually calm down," She glared at me, sitting up. "I can't sleep now with all this light,"

"Rep what is your problem?" 1989 asked. 

"What do you think my problem is? I didn't choose to be here," 

"Neither did we! But we don't sit around bitching and complaining about everything that little thing that annoys us," 

They continued arguing until I heard something. 

"Stop," I said quietly. "STOP I CAN HEAR SOMETHING," I yelled, and they both turned to stare at me, not used to me being very outwardly loud. 

Debut's perspective;

I got woken up by light flooding in, burning my eyelids. 

"Hi beautiful," Bicycle stood in the doorframe (Stop I actually can't take this seriously his name is bicycle), staring at me with a creepy smile on his face.

"Please let me out I'm sorry I tried to get away I won't do it again," I begged. 


"No? Just no? That's all you're saying?" 


"So what's going to happen to me?" 

"You'll see soon enough," He came inside, closing the door behind him. He was now uncomfortably close to me, so I shrunk back as far as I could into the bumpy wall. 

He opened a closet door that I hadn't noticed was there, gesturing for me to look inside. I bit my lip, seeing rows full of different length knives and belts, as well as handcuffs and ropes. 

"Wtf is this, some kind of torture chamber, or a deranged kink?" I crinkled my nose, wrapping my arms around myself protectively. "Oh wait your sex life is probably as active as you are,"

"Don't push it, you're lucky you're pretty," 

I looked at him disgustedly. 

"You're like 45 and I'm a minor," I said, practically becoming one with the wall as he pulled out various materials. He cuffed me to a hook high up the wall, and even being tall, I had to stand on my tiptoes in order for them not to pull my hands off. I squeezed my eyelids shut, waiting for him to do what he was going to do. 

"You better not make any noise," He brought down a belt on my torso, and I couldn't help but squeal, pain lashing through my body. "I said be quiet," He slapped me harshly across the face, silencing me. 

I kept breathing shakily, bringing my arms together to hide my face

 Eventually he stopped and unclipped the handcuffs, and I immediately curled up into a ball, and he stared at me without even a glimmer of compassion in his eyes. 

"Get up," He roughly grabbed my arm, nails digging into my arm and breaking the skin, but I couldn't even feel it. He dragged me behind him, and I winced, my whole body screaming at me to stop as he pulled me through the door into the basement that we were all staying in. 

A/N; Again I'm sick and this took me way too long to write, so it's kind of...interesting.


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