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Red's perspective;

I was fearless and debut's designated caretaker, which basically means that they distract me and steal my alcohol. I didn't really care because I got to hang out with Eve for the evening and they were happy to get drunk.

"Hey Eve how's it going?"

"Alright, it's kind of boring though,"

"Why? Just, I dunno, get drunk or something,"

"Theres only vodka or wine, I'm pretty sure Midnights and Rep are hogging the vodka and everyone else is hogging the wine and I don't want to awkwardly join their group."

"Lets raid the fridge," I maaay have been a tiny bit tipsy

"Uhm sure but why,"

"You said you were bored! And I'm hungry." I grabbed her hand and led her into the kitchen. We ended up looking through the cupboards for who knows how long. I'm not actually sure what we were looking for, but we left hastily (not without cheese crackers) when Folklore came stumbling in with Speak Now attached to her. While still making out, Folklore grabbed Speak Now's waist and lifted her onto the kitchen counter.

"Oh my god ew that's my sister, come on Red we're leaving," Evermore pulled me out while we yelled at them to get a room. I went to stop when we reached the living room but she continued to pull me up the stairs and on to her room. We sat in silence staring at each other for a bit, and you could have cut the tension with a knife.

"Before we do anything I want to make sure I have your permission; can I kiss you?"

" Yes please" I giggled. She was taking too long so I initiated the kiss, and it quickly deepened.

As we were making out I heard the door open and before I had the chance to yell at whoever was there, they burst in and ruined our moment.

Real shocker though- It was Fearless and Debut. I mean they weren't doing anything but they looked sheepish ig.

"Wtf get out," I glared at them


"I didn't see what you were doing and I didn't assume that you were together, should I be concerned?"

"No, we're not together why would you think we were together, ew, and no you shouldn't be concerned, we don't have alcohol what? We should be questioning you and Evermore of all people," Debut said, giving me a confused look.

"You don't tell anyone about us, we don't tell anybody about you, deal?"

"Fine I guess," Debut was terrible at keeping secrets, so in any other situation I would be expecting everyone to know by the next morning, but she seemed pretty serious about this.

Rep's perspective;

That party was an absolute fucking disaster

It started off ok, but then midnights showed up late with whatever fucking alcohol she drinks. People kept passing other people drinks, and soon enough I'd had quite a few to drink and so had lover.

"Reppyyyy don't leave meeee" she wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tight.

"I'm not going anywhere baby" I said, hugging her back. She gets very clingy when she's drunk, so I made sure not to leave her alone, because last time I did that I found her crying on the kitchen floor because she'd convinced herself that I died.

Somebody put on music and I pulled her out into the middle of the room to dance. Everyone else soon joined us and it was a small crowded room so we got separated pretty quickly, despite lovers efforts to cling onto me. Everyone was dancing and it was really loud and chaotic. I was getting overwhelmed so I decided to go get some water, but I walked into the kitchen and saw Speak Now and Folklore making out so I immediately walked back out. I went upstairs into my room to have a breather, and Midnights was passed out on my bed.

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