Chapter 3

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"Mrs Kim and jimin rushed into taehyung's hospital room. she bites back a sob looking at her son who looks so lifeless. she quietly steps closer to him. drawing taehyung's attention to her and jimin.

"taehyung's eyes welled up with tears. he made grabby hands to his mom who rushed and engulfs him into her arms. taehyung broke down sobbing so painfully it made Mrs Kim and jimin cried as well.

"shh " my baby... mom is so sorry baby. Mom is sorry she wasn't there to protect you. I'm so sorry tae. Please forgive your mother. Mrs Kim said choking out a sob as well. taehyung cried harder shaking in his mother's arms.

"Ma.." I...I feel so dir...dirty. I feel ashamed and unworthy mom. why me... why does it have to be me? what did I ever do to deserve this mommy? taehyung said making jimin choke out a sob as well.

"Jimin rushed and hug taehyung making him flinch from the contact. "Shh " it's just me. and no you're not dirty. the person who's dirty are the ones who took advantage of you. do you hear me? Jimin says while rubbing his hands soothingly on the male's hair. yes tae. you're not dirty my child. and I know you don't deserve what happens to you my baby. but always remember your Mom , Jimin and most especially Kelvin is always here for you. and whosoever that did this to you. will surely be put behind bars. Okay? taehyung nodded his head but he can't still seems to stop crying. he really needs to see his fiancé.
"What do you mean by that Mom? Kelvin asked becoming more irritated. he was supposed to be with his fiancé who needed him right now. not listening to his annoying Mother right now.
" why is your fiancé's face all over the news? even here in Seoul? what's going on kelvin? Mrs Jung asked. kelvin breath out while massaging his forehead gently.

" look mum " taehyung was raped last night and I'm working towards finding the culprit. Kelvin said still feeling dizzy from his hangover of last night.

" what do you mean by he got raped. weren't you with him yesterday? didn't we had a video call with him just yesterday? how come he was raped that same yesterday? Mrs Jung asked making kelvin sighs. look Mum" what ever that happened to taehyung yesterday was my fault. I shouldn't have left to go hang out with Lee and Kai. I shouldn't have listen when he said it was okay. I should have taken him home myself. kelvin broke down in tears. he couldn't hold it in anymore. whatever that happened to taehyung was his fault. that's what his conscience was telling him since he saw the news.

"breathe kelvin calm down son" Mrs Jung said over the phone. hearing her son panicking and crying scared her. She knew her son truly loved taehyung for him to shared a tear. Jung's never cared about anyone to share a tear over. especially kelvin .Not even after losing his baby brother years ago. so hearing him sobbing right now scared her a lot. if kelvin loves taehyung that much then it will be hard to convince him that taehyung is not the one for him. especially now that he's a victim of rape.
"kelvin stepped into taehyung's hospital room hesitating a bit. he couldn't face his fiancé after failing to protect him. Yes . he blames himself for leaving taehyung yesterday just to hang out with his friends. he was having fun while his fiancé was being abused. he wished the culprits would be found soon so that he could show them that no one messes with the Jung's"and go Scott free. he will make sure he gave them a painful death.

"taehyung looked up from his mother's embrace when he sensed the presence of his fiancé. he made grabby hands towards him and kelvin wasted no time in taking the male into his arms. Mrs Kim and Jimin could tell that the male has been crying. due to his red and swollen eyes. there quickly went out to give the couple some privacy.

"taehyung sob in his fiancés embrace. Kelvin couldn't control his tears as well. I'm so sorry baby. I'm so sorry i wasn't there to protect you. It's all my fault. I'm so sorry my love. Kelvin said pecking the males face while rendering series of sorries and I love yous. taehyung shook his head telling kelvin it wasn't his fault. no one knows he was going to get kidnapped and rapped. it just happened so it wasn't his fault.

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