Chapter 4

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"Mrs Kim was sitting outside the waiting room. waiting for the doctor to come out and tell her what's wrong with her son.

"she was trying so hard not to cry while waiting for the doctor. just then her phone rang displaying the name kelvin. She quickly picked up and almost burst out crying. Kelvin asked her what's wrong and why taehyung wasn't answering his phone.

"Mrs Kim had told him what happened that morning and that there were admitted right now. Kelvin had assured her that he would be there as soon as possible. before ending the call.

" few minutes later Jimin also arrived because Mrs Kim had called him earlier. he quickly rushed to Mrs Kim and engulfed her in a huge. he was barely holding back his tears as well.

"just then the doctor came out and had reassured them that taehyung would be fine.
She immediately tensed up when the doctor had asked to speak with Mrs Kim privately.

"she quietly followed the doctor to his office while Jimin sat down to wait for her. When there got to the doctors office. Mrs Kim can't help but pray that nothing serious should be the issue.

"Look mam " I checked your son and it looks like his going through depression. and I think he hardly eats at all. he's weak and would need a blood transfusion. and you really need to get him into therapy because it will help him recover from his depression. if he's not properly taken care of. I'm afraid he would lose the baby. and he needs lots of vitamins as well.

"wait hold on. what baby are you talking about? Mrs Kim asked totally confused.

Oh sorry but your son is two weeks pregnant. the doctor said hesitantly looking at the shocked look on the woman's face.

" " this can't be. Mrs Kim says with tears in her eyes. why is fate playing with her and her son? all she ever wanted was for her son to be happy and loved. is she asking for too much? why can't there be happy? Mrs Kim knew her son won't take this lightly. heck he's not going to accept it. his wedding is just three days from now. why does this has to happen right now.

"Mrs Kim stared at the doctor with tearing eyes. Please doctor are you sure there's no mistake. Please maybe you should check him again. Mrs Kim said desperately.

"the doctor stared at her apologetically. I'm sorry mam " but he's properly checked and it's hundred percent positive. the doctor said gently. Mrs Kim just nodded her head absent minded. "it's okay. thank you doctor. I will go check up on him now. Mrs said before hurriedly leaving the office

"when Mrs kim got back Jimin was already in her son's hospital room. taehyung was already awake looking so pale like he had no blood in his system.
Jimin and taehyung stared at her when she walked in. Jimin could sense that something was wrong. Judging by how stiff she looked. her face was red from crying and she looked so worried.

"what's wrong with me ma" taehyung asked his mom who tensed up more. she couldn't hold it and burst into tears. I'm so sorry my child " eomma is so sorry baby. Mrs Kim altered while holding her son who's also sobbing.

" what did the doctor say ma" Jimin asked this time. he's also scared of what Mrs Kim had to say.

"look baby whatever I'm about to say. just know that it's not your fault. and it's okay." things will be okay. and your mom will always be here with my baby. Mrs Kim says gently while caressing her son's face gently. taehyung nodded gently while sniffling.

" look baby " Mrs kim breathed deeply before trying to speak again. you're carrying another life inside of you. and it's okay to bring another human into this world just like I brought you into this world as well. Hmm " Mrs kim spoke softly but taehyung was still not getting it. Jimin on the other hand has already understood the situation . and he was shocked. and scared. taehyung won't take this lightly.

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