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I just recently graduated college. By "recently" I mean last year. I'm now 23 with a business diploma and I live in New York City. My business diploma got me employed in a thrilling, successful, awesome company. I am strongly loyal to this company and greatly appreciate of my places. I make great money and I now have a stable house. It's not big, but it's good for me and good for my standards.

My dad is still in prison for abuse, drug addiction, and drug dealing. He was doing all those things without my mother's concern. But he's gone and out of my life.

My sister, Devi and I have kept in great touch. So have Milo and I. I miss them dearly but I have no time for visits.

In my previous years in college I had a serious boyfriend named Michael. I was in my sophomore year of college when I met him, and we broke up in the beginning of Senior year. I found out he had been seeing a girl who lives downtown and was 20. It hurt me a lot because he was really kind. But I'm over him too. I'm okay with being single. I haven't really gone out-out in a while -2 years-.

I also haven't talked to Alex in a very long time, and I'm glad. I'm over him too.

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