Chapter 8 - Cant Keep You out

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"I don't want love in half measures. I want it all. And if you want it all, you have to risk it all." -Lara Jean Covey

My plane ticket was set with Madison. I was happy I could have a friends by me. Alex was sitting pretty far away from me too. Which was more relaxing.

Our boss payed for everyone to stay at a nice hotel and I found out Madison and I are not in the same floor. I don't even know who I'm near.

"So how are you and Jack?" Madison asked while putting her carry on in the shelf above us.

I sat down and squirmed around trying to get comfortable. "We're good," I said as I crossed my legs. Madison sat down out of breath. She was an over packer.

Madison and I talked most of the time. About work, her, and jack. We never really talked about Alex which was refreshing.

The plane needed and I could finally text Jack and tell him we landed. I texted him but he left me on read? It got me confused but maybe he is busy.

I ignored it by putting my phone in my purse and following our group behind our boss.

About 4 rental cars came over and boss put us in groups. "Madison and Becca," boss said as Madison and Becca headed into car 2. "Micheal  and David in car 3." Michael and David picked up their bags and headed into car 3.

"Alex and Aurora. Car 4, c'mon," boss said while he went into car 1. Really? Out of everyone I had to be paired with Alex. That means wherever we go I'm gonna have to be stuck with him.

I picked up my heavy bag and dragged it to the trunk. I wasn't overpacking -maybe I was- it was just really heavy.

"Here," Alex said and lifted my suitcase into the trunk. I pulled my skirt down my legs -because it had creeped up my thighs- and thanked him. We got into the car and drove to the hotel.

At the hotel Alex and I were coincidentally on the same floor. It's like the universe wants us together? I hate the universe right now.

I didn't even look at Alex before walking in my room. I heard his door shut as my back leaned against the heavy door.

I set my key on the hook on the wall and dragged my suitcase behind me.

My room was honestly not terrible. There was a big bed -could fit about 3 people- and a huge bathroom with a shower and a tub. The counter was nice too. This whole room to myself was really nice. I was looking forward to enjoying this trip.

I heard two knocks on my hotel door. Those knocks sounded familiar. Madison and Becca.

I opened the door with a smily face as they squealed and did little jumps on the ground. They both barged into my room and made themselves at home on my bed ruining the nice blanket set softly.

"This is nice." Becca sighed in relief. I rolled my eyes and said, "this isn't a vacation, we are here to work." I took her arms and dragged her up so she could shit up straight. Madison was pilling  through my things and putting them away.

"Well, our first business meeting is today and we are all needed," Madison said while handing me one of my work outfits I packed.

I walked to for bathroom and quickly changed. After me then Madison went, then Becca.

We grabbed some last minute items and walked down the the lobby. We faced Alex on our way though. Madison checked him out as I didn't spare a glance. Becca was occupied on how her briefcase handle was about to pop off.

We made it down and the boss ordered all of us -7 people- a limo so we all didn't have to take separate cars. Which was alright with everyone. Although we didn't necessarily have a choice.

I was sat between Madison and Alex. Of course. I was paying attention to Alex's leg touching mine more than I should. I stumbled on my words as the fabric rubbed against my bare legs.

He seemed to notice too but continued to talk to Michael.

Back at the meeting everyone followed our boss into a big room with a table that stretched out across the whole room.

Alex sat across from me -I just realized how much I'm paying attention to him- and I sat beside Steven and Gracie. They are also other colleagues.

The meeting was far more boring than I anticipated it would be. I knew I had to be responsible and pay attention but I always caught my eyes staring at Alex.

He was paying attention and also writing notes. His two top buttons on his shirt were unbuttoned revealing part of his collarbone. He fiddled with his watch here and there. His hands combed through his hair -which definitely has some product in it- with his veiny hands. You could see his biceps through his suit.

Madison caught me staring and threw a pen at my legs under the table. She knew I had to be paying attention to something other than Alex.

The meeting ended and my boss was summarizing what we went over. I'm glad he did or otherwise I would be in deep shit.

As I got out of the limo and brought my skirt back down my legs Madison clung onto my arm and brought me inside.

I was stumbling on my heels as I said, "Madison what-" "be quiet," she responded and technically dragged my to my room.

She looked the door and faced me. "So, I saw you couldn't stop staring at Alex!" She squealed.

I look at her with a "really" face and said, "Madison. You brought me up all the way to my room just to ask why I was staring with what's in front of me?" She nodded proudly.

"I don't know. I was just distracted," I explained. "Mhm." She nodded her head disapprovingly and shrugged. "Sure," she said and ran out my door.

"Madison!" I yelled at her. I realized it was no use chasing her. So I sat on my bed taking off my heels from my sore feet.

I knew I shouldn't be staring but my eyes always made their way back to him. All I could think about was Alex. I was mad at myself for thinking about him.

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