Chapter 2 - Hatred

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"Never say goodbye. Because saying goodbye means going away, and going away
means forgetting"
-Peter Pan

When I made it back home after my encounter with Alex, I was exhausted. Him still being here shocks me. And I thought he was attractive? I can't think like that anymore. I can't let him fool me over again.

I walked in my living room and saw Tanner working on some papers. Tanner and I met in college and was hoping we get a job in business. Tanner was also engaged with a extraordinary zoologist.

I jumped over the couch and threw my heels off my feet.

"Hey Aurora." Tanner greeted. I sighed and rated my legs on the coffee table in front of us. "Hey Tanner." I greeted back. He noticed I was tired and angry.

"You okay?" He asked while placing his arm over my shoulders. "Yeah I'm fine, just tough work." I explained and stood up. "I get it." He smiled.

I walked to the kitchen to grab a quick snack. Tanner followed me into the kitchen and asked, "So I heard there is a new colleague that is working at your company. Is it true?" He curiosity asked.

"Sadly yes." I rolled my eyes. He scrunched his eyebrows. "Why is that?" He asked while stealing a chip from the bag.

"Remember Alex?" I asked. His face went into shock. "Alex Dalton?" Tanner relegated my words. "Yes," I sighed. "He's working with us now." I closed the chip bag and placed it back in the cupboard. 

"Did you see him today?" Tanner kept asking questions. But I really didn't want to answer him knowing it will make me think of Alex.

I brushed Tanner off and walked upstairs. "I don't wanna talk about it," I said and walked into my room.

The next day at work I was not late -thank god- but Alex keeps making friends with everyone. If I'm being honest Alex is pretty good at this job. Well he's worked with business before so that's probably why.

I also avoided Alex all day. I didn't want to face him after yesterday. Not like I am nervous to talk to him I just don't want to see his smug face.

But I had no choice. He walked into my office. My body tightened and I relaxed my face. Why was I trying to look good? It just happened?

I didn't glance up but I could see passers in his hand. He set them down and said, "boss wanted my to give those to you." He then left his hands at his sides.

"Cool. Now you can leave," I said and pointed my pen to the door. He seemed hurt. I could just feel it in my stomach.

He put his hands on my desk, "Rory-" I stood up in anger. "Don't use that name. Ever." I then pointed my pen to his face. I was staring right at him, in his eyes. His beautiful forest green eyes.

I snapped out of it and looked away. He seemed to notice my nervousness as his cheeks turned baby pink. "Uh, why?" He asked.

I scoffed. "It's non of your business!" I crossed my arms. Then I sighed. "I don't use that name anymore." After everything that happened between Alex and I, I just grew disrespected and disgust for the name "Rory". It made me cringe.

His eyes read my face and he could see that I was really angry with him. So he left with no other words.

I slumped back in my chair and rubbed my nauseous head. I haven't been called Rory in years. When I went to college I introduced myself as Aurora. But when Alex called me it, it made my stomach flutter.

I sat and thought about it for a while. I didn't want him to call me Aurora. "Rory" was what he had always called me since day 1. I can't forget about that.

Lunch break was here and I had to get some papers before break was over. It's what I usually do. But as I was waiting for papers, Alex walked in the copy room too. We both leaned on the counter behind us and waited for papers.

But it wasn't awkward. It didn't feel awkward? Finally he cleared his throat and spoke, "So, how've you been?" He crossed his arms and faced me.

I didn't do the same. "Fine," I answered. I didn't retell the question back to him. I felt myself getting hot and sweaty. Can these papers hurry up?

They finally got out of the copy machine and I practically sprinted out of the copy room. Why did Alex make me nervous to be around him?

My mind was thinking all these thoughts I didn't realize I bumped into Stacey. "Watch where you're going!" She yelled and stood up wiping dust off her skirt that was way above her knees.

I didn't even apologize. She gave me a glare but then ran behind me. "Alex!" She screeched. I looked behind me and she gave him a big hug. Her hands went around his neck and his went on her back. Not her hips, her back.

I rolled my eyes and collected the papers from the ground as I listened in their conversation. "So you coming to the party tonight?" She asked seductively. My eyebrow went up in curiosity.

"I don't know, I might," he answered. I could feel Stacey rolling her eyes. "Well if you decide to come remember," i glanced behind me and saw her pull Alex close. She whispered something in his ear. I couldn't make out what she said.

Then she walked away swaying her hips like she always does. I stood up and straightened my papers and rushed to my office before Alex could spite up some conversation.

My boss walked in my room and gave me a envelope. "Here. For the details." Then he walks out.

I opened the envelope and it was the party details. Fancy clothing, dress up, can bring a +1, and all the other essentials. This was a good opportunity to get out of work and drink without getting in trouble with my boss. It was also a good opportunity to invite Tanner and let him see Alex now. Tanner was really intrigued with my situation with Alex.

I guess I'm going to a party.

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