His Past

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Akhenaten's Dynasty is cursed by the Gods themselves.. It all started when he moved his seat of power from the traditional palace at Thebes to one he built at the city he founded and changed his name to Akhetaten..

He also destroyed the temples of Amun, The Egyptian God and started a new religion, devoted to the worship of Aten (Sun disk), and as a result, he and his descendants were cursed by the Gods ..

The cursed says that the first born male will die at the age of 30 , but his soul would be trapped in the sarcophagus the is the stone coffin, in which his mummy is kept.. He won't be able to enjoy his afterlife, and will suffer till eternity..

Unfortunately, Tae Tankhamun was the first born of Ramses II , who was the son of Akhenaten and his most beloved wife Nefertiti.. So, being a descendant of Akhenaten, Tae Tankhamun was also cursed..

But he was nothing like his grandfather.. He was kind, compassionate and caring towards his subjects.. Under his reign, the kingdom developed culturally and financially..

*Favorite Pharaoh*

He reverted back to the worship of Amun and reopened the temples of other gods

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He reverted back to the worship of Amun and reopened the temples of other gods.. He even moved the capital back to Thebes.. Everyday, he would worship Amun and ask for forgiveness for his grandfather's sins.. Not because of the curse, but because of his subjects..

*Worshipping God Amun*

*Worshipping God Amun*

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