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-„A princess named Rosalina disappeared for unknown reasons.
I repeat a princess named Rosalina disappeared" - that's what I heard from the TV in a restaurant. I didn't said a word because I was to curious what do they say later .
Oh! Right.. you need to get to know my story . That's how it started

21 years earlier, 16th of March

The Queen and a King was about to have a child, a girl. Everything was well going, the girl even was about to have her own tower next to the castle.. and then that was the moment when I was born.
-She's so pretty, isn't she? - The Queen said
-Yeah, she has beautiful eyes just like your - King said -What name will we gave her?
The Queen was thinking a while.. And then she looked at roses that someone gave it to her when she was in a hospital.
-It will be... Rosalina. - As the Queen said, it happened.
I was growing up in a very big, fancy castle. I had an amazing life, I had a private teacher, my own chiefs and when I was 5 years old I got my first dog. 
At first it was amazing being a princess with all those things until.. I've grown up and had so much to learn.
When I was 7, I had to learn 3 languages and how to properly walk with grace.
When I was 9, I had to learn another 3 languages and I had dinners with my family, and kings from another kingdoms that I didn't even know..
Every year I had to study more, I didn't had time to have fun so beside my dog I didn't had anyone. I was just lonely stupid kid.


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