-Adulthood and Marriage

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-Rosalina is 20 years old, 16 days before her birthday

- 4 hours before wedding -


-"How do you feel before marriage?" - One of the maids said picking my wedding dress

-"I.. I guess nothing" - I responded shortly

- "You sure? Marriage is very important in life"

-"Are you married?" - I asked

-"Well... I was, until my husband wanted a divorce" - She said finally taking my dress

I didn't wanted to say anything. I don't want to marry Eric. He didn't changed. Then my mother came in:

-" You look so beautiful honey" - She said

-" Oh.. uh... Our maid picked this dress for me" - The maid looked at me

-" um... If you don't like it, you can change "

-"No thank you Natalie, (the maids name) it's really pretty " - I said walking to the hairstylist

When I was going to the hairstylist, I met florist and said that I can pick the flowers for my bouquet.

-"Roses and peony, no other" - I said

15 minutes later - with the hairstylist

- "You have a such beautiful, long, shiny, black hair, Rosé" - The hairstylist said

-" Thank you, do you have any book with you, my dear?" - I responded

-" Yes, but can you please do not forget at wich page I stopped reading?"

-"Of course, and can you make my hair look better than usual?"

-" You got it *the hairstylist started giggling* "

We had some good but also funny conversation. And then, the moment came earlier than I thought it would be....

- Wedding -

-" You may now.. kiss the bride!"

That's when when I wanted to run away. But then, I saw Jeremy looking at me in a tears, but he was in tears of joy. I was training with Jeremy everyday in a secret.

-" So you're my wife now, happy?" - Eric said

-" Oh... Yes, pardon me, I have to throw a bouquet at the guests right?"

-" What..?"

-" That's a tradition, when you're married, the bride has to throw a bouquet at the public and the first person to catch it will be married first after us" - I explained to Eric

-"That is so stupid, don't do that" - He said

-"Too late" - I said but then I thought about something that Jeremy said

I walked up to Natalie:

-" That's for you"

-" Huh?! " - Natalie was confused

Jeremy came bowing up at one knee

-" What do you say Natalie?" - Jeremy said

-" No No No! Wait! That Eric's and Rosalina's wedding! You're ruining it! - My father yelled

-" So, what do you say Natalie?" - I continued after Jeremy, ignoring the King

-" I say... Yes! " Then Natalie kissed Jeremy

* The crowd was cheering for them beside my parents and Eric*

- " I said to not do it! Are you stupid?" - Eric yelled at me

-" Oh! It's your time of the month?" - I wanted to make him mad , making a joke

-" Just kiss me again and let's go to a party" - Eric said

-" Let's go to a party without a kiss, we'll kiss at the midnight" - I lied

-" Thank you so much, Rosé, for your help" - Jeremy walked up to me

-" Of course, it was the only way I could thank you after all these years"

-" What years?" - Eric asked

-" Oh, nothing "

-" Come on! The food is getting cooold! " - Natalie said

**** At the wedding party ****

-" Darling, that's your day, why you don't dance with your husband?" - My father asked

-" Oh.. I am full after eating, it wouldn't be that happy if I throw up" - I wanted to make out of this situation

-" A little dance with a husband won't kill anyone"

-"Then dance with your wife"

-"I can't" - He replied

-" Exactly" - I said going to get food

Actually, I leaved. I did take of my wedding dress, and started walking in flowers.

-"Rosalina! Are you here? Rosé!!" - Somebody, probably my mother screamed


-"Oh dear, you're crying, what's happening?" - She asked

-"I... I didn't wanted to marry him! I don't love him! I don't even like him! You and father never asked me what I want, who I want, you don't even ask me if I was happy! I am isolated here!" - I said running to the castle

The clock was showing 11:09p.m. . I was sitting in my room, drawing in my notebook.

-"Hey, you promised me something right?" - I heard Eric

-" I lied"

-"Well, I will change that" - after he said that I felt him pulling mine body to his

-"Wha-, Get of me!" - I yelled

He kissed me. In a wrong way. I felt him pulling up my shirt.

And then after that nobody alive was in my room.

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