-My life as a kid

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Rosalina is 10 years old, 20th of June

I loved to look out of my window... I loved to look out of my window to watch other kids have fun with friends that I didn't have beside my dog.
I asked my parents many, many times can I go outside but everytime they said no, just because I'm in a kingdom and it's not elegant.
Mostly my parents weren't even there for me. My teacher and all the chiefs we're supposed to carrying about me.
In summer instead of playing I was learning much informations about other kingdoms that I never visited. The only place I could be outside was my garden with all of these pretty flowers.. especially lavender, it was feeling so magical when I looked at them.

When I was only 10 years old, even then my parents we're thinking who I will marry in future. Instead of visiting others, many princess and kings we're visiting us, trying to find me a perfect husband. They have found one, Prince Eric K., but when I was with him... Well.. it was feeling so uncomfortable. We we're meeting him every Monday and Sunday to get me closer with him. I have never been in love with anyone in my whole life.

-"How I am supposed to marry someone who I don't love?" - I asked my mother.

-"Don't worry my daughter. You will fall in love with him at the right time. You're just to young" - My mother said sitting next to me .

-"But what if-" - I tried to say but I regretted it immediately.

-"Sweet dreams my dear daughter" - My mother said kissing my forehead

-"Goodnight..." - I said turning around laying on a bed

I couldn't fell asleep so I imagined how the life outside of the castle looks like. And then it started raining. I love rain so much. It reminds me that's not so bad. I put down my book and looked out of my window. I was watching the rain good few hours until I fell asleep. My clock was set on early. I ignored it, came back to bed and fell asleep again, and then my dog came to my room and jumped on me.

-"Huh? Oh it's youu.. Pluto" - I said half awake and half asleep.

Next my father came into my room and said breakfast's ready. I did get dressed up, right after I finished dressing up my teacher said after I eat breakfast I will learn another language today - Mexican.
I sit down and then I heard familiar voice..

-"Good morning my lady" - Some boy said, it was Eric.

I didn't want to respond but my mother looked at me with dead serious look

-"Good morning (please get out)" - That's what I meant when I said that,
-"What is he doing here that early?" - I asked

-"He's going to eat breakfasts with us now" - my father said thinking I will be happy

(Please no. I don't want him. I don't want to marry him. Somebody help me please. I don't want to be here)

My mind was so damn loud inside.



Since that day, every Mondays, Sundays and later even in Wednesdays, prince Eric was eating breakfasts with us.

My childhood was very boring.
Instead of learning and getting ignored by my own parents there was nothing. The only things that could keep me alive we're my dog and flowers. God, I loved flowers so much.. they we're so pretty. They we're my favorite topic to learn.

On my birthdays- oh right, most of my birthdays my parents didn't remember. I was spending my birthdays alone in my room. I just cried in a corner whole day.  When they remembered, my present every year was a book. Even if I have a whole collection of random books, for my birthday I got more and more and even more....

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