-Growing up

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-Rosalina is 13 years old, 3rd of April


-"Well, what did you felt when your parents say that we'll marry each other?" - Eric said

-"I didn't felt anything. Now sorry, I have to do my homework"- I lied wanting to end this conversation

-"Oh please, stay a little longer" - Eric said grabbing my hand.

-"My teacher will be mad at me"- I said trying to get out

-"I will take fault on me, now please stay" - Eric said pulling me closer.

Then I get out of his hand I walked to my room. I pull out my notebook and started writing. It was just a moment and after all of the ink was on me. My pen broke.

-"Can somebody help me, please? I'm all covered with ink!" - I screamed through the door.

Nobody came so I had to do it myself. I was going to the bathroom and then I noticed that prince Eric is still here.

-"Do you need help, M'Lady?" - He asked

-"No. Please i'm kind of busy, I need to take a shower and clean my clothes" - I said walking away

-"Are you sure you don't need help?~" - Prince replied

I was getting more angry than usual. I was about to yell at him but then Eric's father walked in and said that they're going home.

-"Goodbye sweetheart " - Eric's father said and then leaved

I just waved and then rushed to the bathroom. I was wondering where my mother is. I did take long shower and tried to clean my clothes. The ink didn't wanted to clean up so I searched someone adult. And then I realized that I am alone.
I got my dog and rushed outside for a while. It felt amazing.
I didn't know that my city is that beautiful..
Then I heard similar sound. My parents we're coming back.
I rushed back to castle before them but oh... It was amazing...

-Rosalina's 15 years old, 12th of May

- "The answer is:
Emilia tiene 13 años y mide 168 centímetros'
(Speaking Spanish: "Emilia is 13 years old and 168 centimeters tall") - I said to my new teacher.

My old teacher is on now emeriture so I got new.
I miss Ms. Carey. I miss her so much.. My new teacher is very mean and unrespectful.

-"Good answer but you need more accent" - My new teacher said looking at me like at an annoying child.

-"Oh it's 5p.m, I think it's time to end today's lessons right?" - I said closing my books

-"Right.. *sight* just your homework:
'Learn Spanish accent', that's it, Goodbye dear Rosé" - She said leaving my room

-"Goodbye teacher, have a great day"

And then I realized. How I can learn Spanish accent right? I don't have anything with me to do it. Suddenly I felt nauseous and I got headache. I was about to throw up but I fainted instead.
Few seconds? Minutes? Hours? Later I wake up in a different room. The only thing I could see, was Kingdom's Knight's training. Their sword attacks we're so smooth.
I really wanted to be with them. In the room beside me, there was nobody so I thought I will come to them. I didn't noticed that my father was here.

-"What are you doing here?! Huh?! Explain yourself, young girl!" - My dad started yelling at me

-" I'd just wake up.. I wanted to look around what's happening" - I tried to not make my father more mad

-" Get out of here! Go to your room! Now! " - Dad yelled looking at Knight's training

I didn't wanted to leave. I did hide in a bushes and trees watching theirs whole training. It was so satisfying to watch. Hours we're passing and I was still watching.

-"Pardon me, I have to do something important" - The king said and then leaved them

That was my occasion to leave bushes and ask questions to the knights. I started feeling nauseous but I ignored that and kept walking.

-"Excuse me.. Can I-

-"It's princess! Everyone bow down!" - one of the knights screamed

-"Shhh, I don't want to my dad find out that I am here. - I said looking around

-"So.. what do you princess want from us?" - the conversation started

-"I want to learn how to fight. And uhh.. please call me by my name Rosalina or Rosé" - I said trying not to vomit

-"Of course Pri- I- I mean Rosé. Can someone please give her a sword? And oh! Call me Jeremy" - He said

One of the knights gave me sword and then my new lesson started. I was very close to faint again. Another hours we're passing..

-"Like that?" - I asked giving an attack to mannequin

-"Exactly, are you okay? You look like you're about to vomit.." - Jeremy said trying to take the sword away from my hands

-Ye..- and then I fainted again.
Jeremy carried me to the nurse and looked for a Queen.

After maybe 20 minutes I did wake up my mom was next to me.

-"Oh honey! Finally you have waken up!" - My mom said

-"Oh.. hi mom .. I don't feel that good.." - I said wanting to sleep more

-"Don't worry, you'll be better tomorrow, the doctor is already here" -  My mother said

-"Good afternoon everyone, who needs help?" - The doctor said

-"It's probably *cough* me" - I said

-"I will do everything to make you feel better, my name's Glen" - Glen said bowing down

-"Don't worry, you don't need to bow down, call me by my name, Rosalina or Rosé" - I said smiling
-"Have we ever met before? You seems similar" - I continued

-"Probably not, Rosalina, but I'm the most famous doctor in the country y'know?" - He said putting up some medicine on the table

-"That's really cool, you must seen so many beautiful cities right?" - I said felling asleep

-"Yes  * he looked at me * oh she fell asleep.. even better! Sleep is important!" - Glen said sitting down

-"It's very late, you're going back home or staying here for a night, doctor Glen? - My mother said

-"Can I stay for a night?" - He asked

-"Yes, of course, my husband won't be mad" - The Queen said

Those we're the last words I could hear. I just fell asleep. I was dreaming about visiting every place in my country.. in my dream it was so beautiful.. and no one was mad...


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