Chapter 64

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That night, Ming Si didn't have much chance to touch her phone again. As soon as she lay down on the bed, she fell into a deep sleep.

So, it wasn't until the next day that she saw Feng Ting'er's WeChat message, which included ten crying emojis. Feng Ting'er was apologizing for dragging her into the situation with her Weibo post.

In fact, if this were someone else, Ming Si would have probably speculated, Did she do it intentionally? But she knew Feng Ting'er's personality. It was likely that she had written that Weibo post in the heat of the moment, expressing whatever came to her mind. There were even two or three typos, which she noticed afterward.

So, Ming Si didn't make a big deal out of it.

What was more annoying was that this round of online arguments greatly increased the exposure of her Weibo account. In just half a day, she gained almost as many followers as she had before, and most of them were attracted by her appearance.

It gave her a feeling that all her hard work and dedication for the past six months were no match for the attention she got from simply posting a photo.

"Looks are just one part of talent. Not everyone can look this good," Lin Xijia's insightful words resonated with Ming Si. She smoothed out the ruffled feathers in Ming Si's mind, "It's still better than Feng Shiru, who's now getting criticized to the point where she can't even open her comments section."

Ming Si agreed with the first part of Lin Xijia's statement, nodding slowly, but she disagreed with the latter part, "Why should I compare myself to her?"

Lin Xijia promptly affirmed, "Exactly, we don't even bother with these 18th-tier minor celebrities."

After a pause, she added, "But this time, she's really in a tough spot. It's going to be hard for her to recover from this, right?"

Falling from grace in the entertainment industry isn't exclusive to Feng Shiru. The public tends to forget quickly, and after a However, Feng Shiru had run into Feng Ting'er's crosshairs this time. Moreover, the topic was about a forceful portrayal of a Bai Fu Mei persona. She had initially had a chance to become a rising star, but now it seemed like that opportunity was completely lost.

However, Ming Si didn't pay too much attention to this matter.

Firstly, she was busy with her own career, and secondly, the aftermath of the online conflict was still lingering. She decided to keep her eyes off it, even avoiding logging into her Weibo for a while.

Inadvertently, she had also brushed past the final act of this drama.

After the image-tarnishing incident, Feng Shiru unsurprisingly received news of several impending collaboration cancellations. However, these matters were currently of little concern to her. The phrase Ruin Feng Shiru that Feng Ting'er used wasn't just a casual remark. These past two days, she had truly put in the effort to dig deep, unearthing a multitude of information.

For instance, despite undergoing plastic surgery, Feng Shiru had been claiming to be a natural beauty. She had projected herself as pure and innocent, but behind the scenes, she had been involved with several wealthy individuals. The rhythm set by promotional accounts escalated the situation drastically. Feng Shiru's previous image collapsed overnight, and she even became synonymous with pretentious and vulgar. Talented netizens even created multiple meme sets, straightforwardly labeling her as a knockoff.

Of course, despite the collective mockery flooding the internet, Feng Shiru's loyal fans continued to stand firmly by her side, engaging wholeheartedly in online battles against the critics.

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