Chapter Twelve

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"I can't believe the bitch actually attacked you! That's fucking crazy," Rosa muttered as Emma patched me up. James decided to take me to the Doc's office to get fixed up since I didn't have the best immune system. Which, to be fair, was a good idea on his part since I definitely would've just let it heal on its own. Slap a bandaid on it and call it a night.

James sighed as he stood next to Rosa. The frown on his face resembled one of a guilty child, nearly making me laugh. But the shit Emma put on my wound distracted me from that. It hurt like a motherfucker. "Yeah, she's not a good person," James muttered as his sad eyes found mine. "I'm sorry she attacked you. Maybe if I told Zaine, none of this would've happened. I just— I don't even know."

"It's all good— Oh Goddess, you mother fucking bitch! Sorry, Emma— Anyways, as I was saying, it's not your fault. You aren't responsible for her actions," I replied, trying to hold myself back from cursing more from Emma. Someone really should make better disinfectant products for wounds that don't burn.

Rosa, being the wonderful, supporting, empathetic person she was, awkwardly patted James on the back, causing me to silently laugh. Thankfully for her, she didn't need to try and say anything to cheer up James as Aurora burst into the room. Immediately my heart lept, worrying that she was hurt but I was relieved when her eyes met mine. Worry was evident, but she showed no signs of pain thankfully.

"Alexa! I heard what happened! Are you okay? I can't believe she would do that! I knew she was mean but not that mean! Oh Goddess, I hope you're okay!" She rambled, making me laugh out loud. Her cheeks turned red as she rolled her eyes at me and huffed. But it was not my fault I laughed! Her rambling just tended to cheer me up and it was rather funny sometimes.

"I'm fine. Just a little scratched up," I softly told her with a light smile.

Aurora nodded, carefully looking over me just to be sure I wasn't lying. It was a little sweet how much she cared about me. It made my stomach feel... fluttery? I guess that would be the right word.

"Are you sure sure? Because if not, I can beat her up for you! I've learned a lot from our training sessions," she nodded wildly.

Not that I doubt her as Loralie was quite weak, we only trained together a few times. So, if she were to try and beat her up, she'd most likely get hurt. Something neither of us wanted.

I laughed, "I am sure sure. I promise, Aurora."

"We should talk about what to do with Loralie though. Of course, we could wait until um—" Rosa glanced at Aurora, trying to figure out what to say next. She seemed to struggle with an appropriate way to say when the princess leaves, though I don't blame her for that.

"It doesn't matter. We can talk about it in front of her. I trust Aurora," I muttered watching Emma wrap my arm up.

When I looked up, Aurora stared at me with wide eyes, and her mouth fell open. Was it really that shocking? I didn't think so. Quickly, she shook her head as if shaking away the shock, then squealed happily. "You trust me?" She asked with a wide smile.

"Of course," I replied with a smile. I really did trust her. Maybe more than I should've, but she was just that type of person who you could trust easily. At least, in my opinion. She never seemed to be someone who judged others for no reason nor would she ever try to start something without all the facts. Of course, I had no way of knowing if that was actually true or not; however, as I told her, I trusted her.

Her cheeks reddened at my words causing me to chuckle. "She is cute," I thought.

"As cute as this is, I'm done," Emma stated, lightly patting my arm. "You're all good to go, but I'd recommend still being careful for the rest of the day."

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