Canto 13: A Female Friend

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"A true female friend is not just a companion; she is the echo of your soul, resonating with the strength of shared dreams, the melody of unwavering support, and the depth of understanding that transcends spoken words."

Translator: Wuxia Studio, Editor: Maimai Exclusive (Zhao Jianmai fan cafe, Finland)

A week later...

Wu Wei held the pen steadily, guiding Yin Guo's trembling hand as she signed the lease. Two months. A temporary reprieve until April's chill gave way to spring rains. But nestled within the contract was a flicker of hope - a clause allowing them to stay another year if Meng Xiaotian's room found a suitable tenant.

Moving day arrived, and Yin Guo insisted on treating Wu Wei to ramen. Gratitude simmered under her forced smile as they slid into the cozy booth. Her eyes drifted to the wasabi octopus placed before her, the vibrant pink tentacles a stark contrast to the heaviness in her chest.

"Please," the owner beamed, his greeting warm in English.

Yin Guo stammered a "thank you," the words hollow against the lump in her throat. The owner moved on, leaving behind the lingering scent of fish and spices.

"Jie," Meng Xiaotian whispered, her voice laced with envy, "you're so popular..."

Yin Guo looked at Wu Wei, confusion clouding her features. "Are you regulars?"

Wu Wei met her gaze, a flicker of sadness in his eyes. "Lin Yiyang knows the owner. He slept here after seeing you off that day," his voice trailed off, leaving unspoken the heartache they both shared.

"Really?" Yin Guo's surprise arched her eyebrows into a questioning peak.

"Yeah, threw me for a loop too," Wu Wei chuckled, a knowing glint dancing in his eyes. "Said he had to rush out, but then his 'urgent matter' must've evaporated. Next thing I know, he's back on my doorstep, phone deader than a disco after closing time."

That night, the city mirrored Wu Wei's technological betrayal. Over a dozen subway lines inexplicably shut down, leaving him stranded in a sea of frustrated commuters. Abandoning his journey home, he sought solace in the amber glow of a nearby bar, each swallow of his drink a toast to the absurdity of the situation. Returning in the wee hours, he stumbled upon a sight that mirrored the absurdity itself: Mr. Yang, fast asleep in a ramen booth, a testament to the man's uncanny ability to find a haven even in the most unexpected places.

Later, the memory sparked a wry smile on Wu Wei's face. What "urgent matter" could be so fleeting, he chuckled to himself.

"Our bad," Meng Xiaotian offered, a sheepish grin softening his features. "When's Yang-ge gracing us with his presence again? I want to treat him to a meal as an apology."

"Next time? Hard to say," Wu Wei replied, the cryptic smile never leaving his lips. "He's a whirlwind, juggling studies and side hustles like juggling chainsaws. We only manage to catch up every month or two, whenever his travels intersect with ours."

After finishing speaking, Wu Wei specially added: "Don't worry, he will sleep in my room when he comes, and won't disturb you."

The revelation hung in the air, heavy and unspoken. "So, Lin Yiyang lives here too?" Yin Guo finally voiced the question that had lingered since their brief, late-night conversation about the ramen joint. Silence stretched between them, punctuated only by the hum of the fridge and the clinking of dishes.

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