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Chapter 29 The Face Hurts

Those people from White City, seeing the water dripping onto the ground and seeping into the mud, wished they could dig out the mud and squeeze the water into their water bags.

The bright white water flowed onto the faces of these children, and the children, facing the sun, kept shaking their heads to get rid of it, then sprinkled the water all over the ground.

What's more, some of the children were dissatisfied, "My hair is wet now. I just washed it clean with several buckets of water. Brother Yu said that wet hair will give you a headache if you don't dry it properly."

The people from White City began to tremble.

What? Washing hair with several buckets of water? Water is so precious.

Looking at these children, although their hair was messy, it was exceptionally clean. It could still float in the wind, unlike theirs, dirty and oily. They also loved cleanliness in White City before the Lifeline River dried up.

Moreover, these children were all clean and tidy, obviously having taken a thorough bath with plenty of water, rather than simply wiping their bodies with water.

Finally, someone couldn't help but speak up, saying, "Which Tribe from White City are you from? How can you...how can you waste water like this!"

The words were spoken through gritted teeth. If they were from their own Tribe, they would be hung up and whipped.

The people around them had the same expression, looking at the water spilled all over the ground, feeling heartbroken to the point of breathlessness. Every time they drank water, it was just to wet their lips, and even this water was collected early in the morning from dew on the leaves. How much dew could there be on the leaves?

But as soon as he finished speaking, a group of children jumped up like porcupines being poked, "Drinking your water? It's none of your business."

"We have so much water at home, we can use it however we want."

Their heads held high, they were like a bunch of little hooligans.

The people from White City were shaking with anger. "You brats, do you know how precious water is!"

Heartbroken and angry, especially the elderly people from White City, their fingers were trembling.

The people around them began to lecture, saying that if it were their own Tribe's children, wasting water like this, they would be tied to a pillar and whipped.

It was so lively that more and more people gathered around. After listening for a while, they began to criticize, asking whose children these were who were wasting water. They should be taken back and punished.

The voices of the children were drowned out.

Then they started to walk away from the crowd.

The crowd thought that they must have realized their fault and understood how unforgivable their mistake was.

But they didn't react, a group of children came back again, holding shells of water, and poured them onto their faces in front of everyone, splashing water all over the ground.

All the voices stopped.

Quiet as death.

Then a group of children swaggered away, holding up their heads proudly, with empty shells in their hands, leaving only the sound of their uncombed hair, "We have plenty of water at home. What business is it of yours how we use it?"

As the group of children walked away, they began to talk among themselves, "Did we act convincingly just now? Were we convincing enough?"

"I almost couldn't resist beating you to death. You were too cocky."

Infrastructure Craze (BL) (Full English Translation)Where stories live. Discover now