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Chapter 51 The Vibrant Crimson Great City

In the following days, Zhuang Yu stayed with the Ghost Willow Tribe, while the Divine Dragon remained elusive.

Even during Little Mushroom's bath time, Shao Hao took it every day. Little Mushroom refused to be with this big villain who once snatched its pastry and devoured it in one bite.

However, being ridden by this big villain wasn't bad at all. Watching it climb onto his head and breathe out flames, how impressive!

Zhuang Yu would leave before dawn and return only when night fell.

For several consecutive days, while the people of the Crimson Great City were busy with their own affairs, they also kept an eye on Zhuang Yu.

One evening seemed different. The Ghost Willow Tribe lit torches and went to the riverbank, busy all night, their activities shrouded in mystery.

The next day, everyone got up as usual at dawn, their first task being to wash their faces in the river below the dam.

It had become a habit since the formation of this river. Washing their faces in the fresh water, even if busy all day, was refreshing. Unlike before, when even drinking water was scarce.

Approaching the river, they noticed something different: several huge "monsters" were faintly visible in the river.

Were they water monsters? But that couldn't be. This water had been filtered, and water monsters were blocked by the dam. They wouldn't dare approach where the children of the Crimson Great City bathed and played.

Moreover, with the pressure of the Ancestral Beast here, water monsters wouldn't dare show themselves.

So, what were these "monsters" then?

Since monsters had appeared, they needed to investigate to avoid any potential dangers.

As they approached, they could hear the rushing sound of water and children's laughter like silver bells.

Getting closer, they discovered children lined up on the "monsters," lying on a tree trunk, barefoot, laughing and kicking the "monsters" vigorously.

The huge "monsters" made creaking sounds before starting to spin, lifting water into the air and splashing it around.

Zhuang Yu was leading a group of little radishes to operate a waterwheel. The first time it needed a push to start, but later it would rotate on its own inertia from the water flow.

Little Mushroom, seeing the other children having fun, ran over and tried to kick the "monster" too, but its legs were too short to reach the waterwheel blades.

Seeing Little Mushroom struggling, kicking its legs in the air, just like spinning a wheel, everyone laughed. "Why can't Little Mushroom reach anything?"

The children operating the spinning waterwheel were also delighted. This was really fun.

Zhuang Yu shouted, "Lift the tree trunk, let's go activate the next waterwheel."

The tree trunk was their makeshift frame, just a hundred-meter-long trunk placed on a frame built on both sides of the river. It was simple, and the children used it as a platform to operate the waterwheels.

The people of the Crimson Great City realized these were not monsters at all and approached with relief.

Even after the children left, the river continued to spin, lifting water and sprinkling it around, creating a beautiful sight.

The people of the Crimson Great City were amazed. "Is this automatically watering the grassland?"

Wow, it didn't need people. It was watering for them, tirelessly, endlessly, round and round.

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