[4] red eyes

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"would it break my panic?"

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"would it break my panic?"

"would the sweat stop pouring out?"

inside out; duster


The next morning, Edith was awoken by a cat sitting on her face and pounding at her door, followed by a shout, "If you want a ride to school you better get your ass to the car in 5 minutes!"

Edith never moved faster in her life. She really should get an alarm clock. The girl threw on some jeans and a knit sweater, brushing her hair and teeth quickly before barreling out of her room, her backpack on one shoulder and deodorant being applied to both armpits. She felt bad for leaving the Whittemore boy waiting, but she wasn't used to this schedule. She didn't necessarily have to go to school at this very moment as her first period was a free period. But she'd rather not walk to school.

She skipped steps as she bound down the stairs, rushing through the door and landing in the silver Porsche that was already occupied by her cousin.

"Sorry," the girl rushed out quietly, attempting to catch her breath.

Jackson didn't reply, his eyes only rolling as he put the car in drive and heading out of the driveway. The car ride was silent for a few minutes, only the sound of the heater on blast and the turn signal occupied the girls ears. Then the boy spoke, "I don't remember much about you," he started, glancing at the girl who was caught by surprise by his words as they hadn't spoken much since she arrived, "I only remember your parents were always freaking out about us playing together."

Edith was silent for a few moments, she had only ever seen her cousin on occasion when she was younger, about three times exactly. It was at family gatherings before her parents decided they couldn't even risk being around family.

She missed her cousin that she remembered, a boy who was constantly grinning and giggling, humoring Edith's parents and their board games. He was kind to Edith then, young and innocent. The Jackson she knew now was the opposite to that. Scowling and rude. His tone when he spoke to her just now was nothing along those lines though, more light and almost questioning.

Edith nodded, keeping her eyes glued to the dashboard in front of her, "I just remember playing monopoly with you," she admitted, glancing to the boy.

Jackson hummed, his fingers drumming against the steering wheel, "It's strange how much we change over the years," he admitted, glancing to Edith again but with a certain glint in his eye, "You've changed a lot."

Edith's heart began to hammer with these words, he obviously had no idea what the girl did and went through, but these words scared the girl no less, "I could say the same to you," her words on the verge of teasing but her anxiety keeping herself blunt.

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