[5] the need to pretend

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"Then why do I seem to,

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"Then why do I seem to,

Need to?"

need 2; pinegrove


Turning into a Demon flipped Edith Starlight's world upside down. She admitted to herself many things, such as her parent's death being nobody's fault but her own. The one thing she wouldn't admit to herself, was that her humanity was truly gone. The one thing she could have used to hold onto her past self, her past life - was truly gone. The brown boxes stacked in an unfamiliar room, held unfamiliar things. Edith was scared to unpack them, scared to admit that when she unpacked those boxes she would not be the same girl she was packing them, she wouldn't be the same girl who received those items. This girl was completely different.

Edith's eyes made their way to her vacant dresser, a half a bottle of wine sitting upon it. The thought of getting drunk again agitated the girl. Maybe it was because it really wasn't a distraction, maybe because sometimes it actually made her feel good, and she didn't deserve that. Maybe though, it was because the sour liquid made her confront herself, admit things to herself she never wanted to. Edith didn't know why the sight of it made her angry, but she wasn't one to try and untangle the mess of emotions in her head anyways, they usually deciphered themselves when they were ready too.

So there Edith was, attempting to drown out the sound of her pounding head, ignoring the fact that she was living with strangers, and the fact that she truly was alone now. Alone.

A constant thought of Edith's, oh how alone she was. The girl felt like her insides were bleeding out, like she was trying her best to be okay, okay for nobody but herself. Why did she pretend? She didn't know, she didn't want to know who she was pretending for, she didn't care enough to. She was alone, nobody there to ask her if she was okay, if she needed anything, how she was feeling? Why did she want that? Crave it so badly, when she wished that away?

Edith's eyes stung as she stared down at her Chemistry notebook, pretending to read - for nobody but herself. Pretending like she wasn't going to break any moment now, like any second she'd snap. The brunette girl sighed, wiping the tears that threatened to fall and slammed the chemistry book closed, it wasn't like she needed to study anyways, but something about pretending made her feel somewhat normal.

The girl stood from her bed, ignoring the feeling of impending doom that the brown boxes made her feel as she breezed by them. Her bare feet against the soft plush carpet made her feel warm, clashing with her cold thoughts. She made her way to the window, her eyes falling towards the sky. The full moon illuminating the girl's features. She sighed, her hand going to the large window to pull it open. She let the cool air fall in, her curtains brushing slightly at the gust. Edith's frame leaned into the open window, her eyes never leaving the full moon. In Washington, it was rare to see the clear sky from where she was. Her small window never did it justice, she fought against light pollution, clouds, and thick glass keeping her from seeing the beauty of the world. Beacon Hills was the opposite, it was far away enough from the city that the sky was beautiful, it was clear and the stars shone bright, the only thing drowning out the shine was the brightness of the moon. It reminded her of a certain boy she had met recently.

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