CHAPTER 5: Uncanny Parallels

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It was 2 pm—the official launch of the beta for Sehreneti Online. Within mere seconds, dozens of the selected «players» for the trial run commenced logging into the game.

Despite the sudden influx of signatures engaging with the servers simultaneously, Aphiniti—boasting an unparalleled processing ability—swiftly detected a grave anomaly.

Without hesitation, she confronted the irregularity, her defense mechanism rearing its head—a formidable firewall that reached out like ghostly appendages.

In moments, the foreign threat was identified—an offspring of the notorious Stuxnet virus, a byproduct of decades-old sociopolitical warfare.

Yet, Aphiniti, a technological marvel ahead of her time, remained undeterred. She possessed the potential to completely neutralize the threat.

Her proverbial eyebrows narrowed as she confidently squared up against the malware, a looming menace that jeopardized the sanctity of the universe her masters had painstakingly sculpted.

Little did she know, however, that her intervention in this moment would set in motion a pendulum effect, creating irreversible ripples that echoed through both the real and virtual worlds.


In the heart of the Zenith Corporation's bustling headquarters, one of the senior developers, Zhāng Wěi, sat quietly in his dimly lit office.

Instead of the conventional photo albums portraying a family, his desk bore a delightful chaos of action figures and other adornments that reflected his undying passion for animation and video games.

While the other executives indulged in a celebratory toast to mark the successful game launch in the boardroom, he found solace in the tranquility of his own space.

After overseeing the smooth login of most players, he shifted his substantial frame in his chair and was soon engrossed in a video game on his phone, his pudgy face illuminated by the phone's screen.

Meanwhile, on one of his diagnostic monitors, amid the sea of data streaming across the screens, a fleeting error notification momentarily interrupted the usual flow.

This digital whisper carried significance, for it pertained to none other than Aphiniti—the artificial intelligence administering the newly launched game.

When he eventually turned his gaze toward the monitors through thick-rimmed glasses, he discovered the lingering vestiges of the vanishing notification. Regrettably, it was too late to investigate further as it had already vanished from the screen.

A momentary frown etched across Zhāng Wěi's face as he briefly considered checking the logs to uncover the cause of the error. However, curiosity succumbed to the allure of his ongoing game, and he decided to let the matter rest. After all, Aphiniti was perfect; even without his complete vigilance, it was virtually impossible for anything to go wrong.


— "As I speak, beta testers from across the globe are pouring into the game, painstakingly on the hunt for bugs and glitches," declared a familiar news anchor. "Predictably, 'Sehreneti Online Beta Test' has claimed the top spot as the trending keyword on the internet.

Community forums and various other platforms are already abuzz with discussions about the game's intricacies. Now, let's read what one of our world's top pro gamers has to say. He's posting on the forum straight from within the game."

[Solo-Master: Man, I can't even put into words how mind-blowing this game is! It's like I've landed on some crazy alien planet instead of just playing a game.

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