CHAPTER 40: The Lone Florian

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After departing from the guild, Daisuke secured lodgings for the night at a familiar inn and promptly made his way to the well situated at the back of the property. Bathing Zephyr proved to be a bit of a hassle, as expected, but he managed to get the job done.

Once he was squeaky clean himself, he discarded his ragged clothes and donned the new attire he had acquired at the equipment store. The dark colors and shade of the clothing made his bright silver hair stand out even more prominently.

Gretchen, the innkeeper, welcomed him back with genuine warmth and a bright smile. With a suggestive twinkle in her eye that made his innocence squirm, she personally prepared a special meal for him at supper, which, of course, earned him the murderous gazes of all the male patrons.

Well, I guess this is better than sleeping outside, he thought, glancing down at Zephyr, who was busy gnawing on his bone beneath the table. Which is exactly what would've happened if the guild didn't conveniently take care of tonight's accommodations.

After enduring an hour of jealous glares, witnessing Gretchen viciously silence any who dared to challenge her, and listening to the drunken patrons blech forth tales of adventure and peril, Daisuke finally sank into bed.

Zephyr promptly claimed his spot atop his chest, curling into a cozy ball. Daisuke gently raked his fingers through the pup's fur, his mind drifting back to the events of the day. After enduring years of misfortune, it took but a single moment of courage—of not succumbing to fear, nor running away—to completely transform his entire life.

But now what?

While vengeance and finding April and Mia remained his top priorities, what came after? Daisuke pondered this question as he lay there in the quiet of the inn. He knew he wanted to honor the life his parents had bestowed upon him and to live comfortably, but beyond those desires, what other aspirations and passions did he hold?

For so long, he had been solely focused on surviving his grief and making ends meet that he hadn't seriously considered a future filled with dreams and goals. It was a daunting realization, but also an opportunity for him to explore the depths of his own wishes.

Despite his fatigue, Daisuke summoned his inventory and began skimming through the items he had obtained throughout the course of the day, paying particular attention to those acquired from the Field Boss raid.

[Crafted Bamboo Spear]

[Crude Bonepick]

[Sturdy Club]

[Frost Prism x6]

[Flarial Seed x6]

[Vitaberry x8]

[Small HP Recovery Potion x2]

[Burn Heal x2]

Celestia Flowers x2]

[Slime Essence x4]

[Troll Essence x3]

[Horned Rabbit Hide x16]

[Malevocroak's Legs x16]

[Forest Imp Tail x19]

[Exiled Hilitroll Chief Tusk x2]

Lipanthyer's Fang x16]

Disregarding the item descriptions, Daisuke closed the inventory window and shifted his gaze up to the low ceiling. Though he had intended to allocate his Stat Points, the weight of exhaustion proved insurmountable. Before he knew it, he surrendered to the embrace of a deep and undisturbed slumber.


In a dimly lit, cavernous chamber, a raucous assembly of men occupied long tables filled with platters of foods and mugs of frothy ale. Roaring laughter and boisterous chatter echoed off the stone walls, filling the space with an air of festivity. Some men leaned across tables, sharing hearty tales and jokes, while others laughed with unbridled enthusiasm.

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