CHAPTER 28: The Path to Becoming Civil

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"$7-7,200 silver?!" Daisuke exclaimed in a matchbox of a room.

Jean scratched her cheek with an awkward smile, but she did her best to maintain her decorum. "Y-Yes, that's right."

Matters warranting utmost confidentiality were moved into secure, soundproof rooms reinforced with magic. It was important that merchants felt secure and safe while conducting business with the guild.

Sitting across the table from Daisuke, Jean looked down at the «Magic Scale» again to verify the numbers. "$7,200 silver coins are equivalent to approximately seventy-two gold. After a six percent sales tax, your final total amounts to sixty-seven gold and sixty-eight silver."

Daisuke swallowed, his eyes quivering as she slid the total amount of gold coins across the table to him that were arranged in a neat stack. He still didn't have a comprehensive grip on the value of money, but he had a feeling seventy-two gold was a lot.

"Did you deduct the silver that I owe from it?"

Jean shook her head. "No, the written agreement is that it wouldn't be due until the end of the month. Until then, be sure to spend wisely."



"First things first," Daisuke declared, his eyes drawn to the hanging signpost of the shoe and apparel store. "Nobody's ever going to take me seriously dressed like this. As they say, the clothes make the man."

With a jingle, the door announced his arrival, and he was promptly greeted by the establishment's owner—a figure adorned in a remarkable outfit, topped by an even more impressive mustache.

The man's gaze raked over Daisuke with skepticism, a quick assumption of a window shopper or potential thief apparent in his scrutiny—likely both. "Are you certain you've located the proper establishment?" he said by means of introduction.

"Well, based on your manners, I'm beginning to question that myself," Daisuke retorted, flashing his coin purse with a certain theatrical flair.

The transformation in the shopkeeper's demeanor was notable, his carefully coiled mustache unraveling in a rush of enthusiasm. "Oh! My apologies, Sir," he bowed with a humbled tilt, his hands coming together in eager anticipation. "Welcome to Harrington Threads. How may I be of service?"

Daisuke regarded him blandly, pokerfaced. It's amazing how quickly his tune changed the moment he saw some money. "I'm a merchant looking for something comfortable yet formal enough that I'm taken seriously. What do you recommend?"

"Ah, indeed. We are certain to have just the ensemble for such an occasion. Please, right this way."

It took some time, but like the money-driven merchant promised, Daisuke eventually emerged from the establishment, a neatly folded bag clasped in his hand.

By the time he stepped outside, the sun was already dipping behind the distant peaks, and many people started returning to the town from their respective hunting grounds.

"Why don't we find a nice inn for the night?" Zephyr's head popped out of his shirt at the suggestion. "Definitely don't want to chance staying in the woods again. I might not be so lucky next time."



Entering the inn felt like a slap in the face.

The air reverberated with a medley of laughter, conversations, and the occasional clink of tankards. The inn's patrons spanned an array of species, each exuding their own unique aura of adventure. Shockingly, there were a few burly dwarves mingling with tall, graceful elves, and sturdy humans chatting animatedly with Beastfolk.

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