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London, England 1813

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London, England 1813

Today is a most important day, and for some a terrifying one, for today is the day London's marriage-minded misses are presented to Her Majesty the Queen... May God have mercy on their souls!

The palace was running a full blown operation. Guards lined the grounds leading up to the palace, waving carriages down, leading them to the extravagant palace entrance. Inside, more guards lined the rooms, directing families to the presentation room to the right and the anxious young women of London to the left towards the back room, otherwise known as their impeding doom.

The Duke of Somerset, having been late due to a council meeting taking far longer than it need to, met the rest of his family in the foyer of the palace. He waved them down, proudly as his face lit up even brighter once he saw his divine first-born daughter.

"My children! James, son..." The Duke caught his son's eye, immediately noticing his son's unkept pathetic excuse of a beard, giving him a stern look. "Could you not get in with the barber again, James?"

James scoffed, "Why is everyone disgruntled over the fact that I can finally grow a beard?!"

"Can you though?" Inez countered back, glancing towards the patchy spots of stubble before returning her attention back to her father. "Papa, how much longer before we go in? I can already feel my heels starting to blister!" Inez whined.

"Hush, Inez. I do not want to hear it. This is Betty's day." The Duke brought his hand up motioning for his daughter to stop talking. He turned towards his eldest daughter, giving her a comforting peck on the cheek. "You look remarkable, my dear."

"Yes, well, it was also her day ten years ago..." Inez mumbled, causing James to lightly elbow his sister in order to get her to read the room. If Inez looked up for one second, she'd see the entire ton of London was absolutely captivated on one family and one family only. The Morrigans. All around them, eyes watched on as they took in their first real glimpse of Betty Morrigan. They whispered amongst themselves, discussing the many possibilities not only for her disappearance, but also her return.

"Please, Inez, just focus on the event taking place. This is a big day for your sister." Francis replied, dismissing his youngest daughter again. "You better get in there. You have come a long way, my dear. You shine much brighter than sun. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, Betty."

Betty took a deep breath, nodding her head as he listened to her father's words. He always knew how to calm someone nerves. Betty swore he was some kind of sorcerer when it came to dealing with human emotions. "Thank you, Papa."

"Come, my dear, it's time for us to gather in the back room." Rebekah spoke up once she saw the guards starting to usher the hopeful young women of the ton into the designated waiting room. Betty nodded her head in understanding, bidding a farewell to her siblings and father, before turning to walk into that dreadful waiting room.

BETTY - b. bridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now