Finding a new home

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I opened my eyes to see myself standing in a field. I squinted trying to august to the bright summer sun. A slightly cool breeze hit my skin causing me to shiver lightly. Not knowing what else to do I started walking in a random direction. I didn't know where I was or who I was, all I knew was my name. Emma, that's all I knew of myself. I pulled at the loose collar of my white shirt as I made my way through the field. Then I stumbled upon an oak forest. After a few minutes of hesitation, I entered the forest. I strolled through the trees passing animals that didn't seem to care about my presents.

After a while I stumbled upon a seemingly abandoned village. Large areas had trash and rubble scattered around and the houses looked old. But not having a place to stay and night was slowly creeping upon me, fingered that I'd stay. I decided to walk to a house that was slightly off to the outskirts of the village. It was a large dusty purple colored house with a small pond out front with a small bridge stretching across it. The bridge looked sturdy and rather safe to walk on. I made my way to the house and walked in to find the house dusty and trashed but nothing I couldn't fix. Soon I started cleaning the house up and making it somewhat livable. Once night hit, I laid down on a small makeshift bed I made with some scrap wool I found around the house. It wasn't perfect and was a little uncomfortable, but I made do. Then I drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, I was suddenly woken up by a loud knock at the door, so I got up and shuffled my feet to the door. "Hello?" I asked sleepily as I opened the door. "Who are you and why are you here?" A stern and tuff looking woman said. She had ashy purple hair and amber eyes. Her hair was woven neatly into a bread that laid over her shoulder. She had a sword on hand pointed at me. "Oh um, my name is Emma, I thought this house was abandoned and I needed a place to stay" I muttered trying to wake myself up quicker. "This house is abandoned but that doesn't mean you have any right to take it" she said sternly. "Oh, um sorry" I said as I bowed my head in apology.

"Well sense you already cleaned the place up a bit and seemed to have gotten comfortable, I guess you can stay" the lady said before looking me up and down. "Oh, um thank you" I said surprised that she would even let me stay. "My name is Lilith, I'm a guard here at Phoenix Village" she said as she extended her hand to me. "Oh well it's nice to meet you Lilith, I really thought that this village was abandoned" I said as I took her hand which was covered by a black glove.

"No, the village isn't abandoned but regardless I'm going to keep my eye on you, so don't do anything stupid" she said then turned to leave. I watched her make her way past the bridge and into town. 'So, the Village isn't abandoned like I thought it was' I thought to myself. I looked around and decided to see if anyone else lived in the Village. As I walked into town, I could see Lilith talking to a tall dark-haired man. He held a sword like Lilith but his was bigger and had some sort of animal carved into the blade. He looked young and seemed to be the one in charge due to him seemingly talking down to Lilith. I looked across from them to see a woman making what I would assume a weapon. She stopped only once she noticed me looking at her.

"Oh, I haven't seen you around here before," she said in a sweet southern accent. She had light blue hair that was tied up into a tight bun, she was wearing dark clothing, but the slighted hints of royal blue and gold were visible. "Oh, um yeah I stumbled upon this place yesterday and thought it was abandoned, so I moved into the large house just over there" I said pointing in the direction of the house. "Oh well that house has been abandoned for a long time" she said as she threw off her thick gloves, most likely to protect her hands from the hot metal she was working with.

"My name is Ava, I'm the blacksmith for Phoenix village" Ava said as he stretched her hand over the stone fence surrounding the little porch she was working on. "I'm Emma" I said as I took her hand. I squinted at how hard she was squeezing my hand. "Oh, I'm so sorry sweety, I forgot my strengths" Ava said as she let my hand go. "So, who have you met so far?" Ava asked as I rubbed my hand. "Just Lilith, she seems a little pinchy" I said, and Ava started giggling, which made me smile. "Oh sweety, she was just caught off guard, it's not often that people visit or come to stay" Ava said looking down almost like she didn't like that fact. "But let's not talk about that, you should go introduce yourself to Olive and Nico, don't worry about the boy Lilith is talking to, something tells me you'll get to talk to him soon enough" Ava said, and I nodded.

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