A princess and a fireball

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 I was suddenly woken up by a voice coming from the door. "Emma are you in there, my mother, the queen has requested you join us for dinner" Zen's voice filled the otherwise quiet room. "Oh coming" I said as I sat up and brushed my fingers through my hair then rebranding it. I opened the door and noticed Zen leaning against the wall. "Oh, you're out, normally people take a lot of time when invited to dinner with my mom" Zen said as he brushed off any dirt from his shoulder. "Should I be worried at all, or should I change? I've never met a queen before, and I don't know what I should do" I said, and Zen gave me a smile. "You're fine, it's just dinner, although she doesn't normally invite guests to dinner anymore, I think you're the first in a good five years" Zen said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Is it wrong to ask why?" I asked. "Oh no, it's fine, it's just that when my father died, she started letting less and less people around her and thus she doesn't invite people over anymore" Zen said as we walked through the long hallways.

Everything was golden or silver and all of it was very shiny. We then turned a corner and were met by a large door with golden trims. "She's in a pinchy mood, just don't say anything to make her mad," Zen said as he pushed open the doors. The queen was sitting at a long table with food on golden plates covering every inch of it. My eyes widened when I saw all the food, I wasn't aware how hungry I was until now. I followed Zen and sat down in the seat next to him.

"While good evening, it's lovely to see you once more" The queen said. "Yes, it's lovely to see you as well" I said, and she had a warm smile on her face. "Zen, where is your sister, she can't be late for dinner again" The queen said. "I haven't seen her at all today, Mother," Zen said quietly as he grabbed one of the dishes of greens and plopped some on his plate. The queen shook her head and placed her fork down on the plate neatly. "I swear that girl is going to get herself kidnapped and no one will know because she runs off and plays in the woods for days on end" The queen said argyle. "She'll come back, I know she will," Zen said before eating, he seemed rather calm about everything. "Oh, my apologies Emma, we shouldn't bicker when guests are here now should we?" The queen said as she looked at Zen. "Yes Mother, my apologies, my lady" Zen said, bowing his head. "It's alright, although I would like to meet the princess," I said as I grabbed a small loaf of bread. "Ah yes June is always one to stray off, and she wonders why I chose her brother to take the throne" the queen looked up at a stained-glass window which illustrated a boy and a girl both young standing with a crown over their heads, the boy wore a powered green suit will the girl wore a lovely looking blue dress with white stockings.

"Wait how did you know my name, I don't believe I told you that?" I asked and the queen looked back at me. "Oh, Lady Lilith left a note for me, not only informing me of the new residents in that little village and that you've been helping out so much there, she had requested we take good care of you" the queen folded her hands and set them neatly in her lap. "Oh, I was unaware of that" I said shyly. I nibbled on some bread as the queen started talking to Zen.

Suddenly a girl with long black hair ran into the room and quickly sat down at the seat across from Zen. "I'm sorry mother for being late again, you see I-" she started. "No, I do not want to hear it this time June, you need to be more mannered, we have a guest with us and that was no way to make a proper entrance" the queen interrupted angrily. "Oh, my apologies mother," she said then looked at me. "I apologize for my entrance mis, please forgive me" she said. "It's alright, it did make me jump though" I said with a joking smile which made her smile as well. "Emma this is princess June, June this is Emma from Phoenix village she'll stay here for the next few days as I get the paperwork ready for her to take back" the queen said as she straightened out her shoulders. "Oh, it's lovely to meet you," June said. "It's lovely to meet you as well".

The rest of dinner was filled with an awkward silence as we ate. Once we were done, I was directed back to my room by June. "you're different from moms' old gust, normally she only invited stuck up men and women who feel they're too perfect to talk" June said as she lifted up her dress, it was a dark almost black green with golden ribbons around the waist, she had a little crown that sat on her head with pretty sparkly jewels. "Oh, your brother said that she doesn't invite guests often" I said, and she stopped and looked at me. "Yeah, but let's not talk about that, you're from Phoenix, right? What's it like there, I mean it's not far I just never been there" June said as she turned the corner. "Oh, it's small, but it's so pretty, my house sits near the ocean, and I get the most beautiful view from there and the mountains are real pretty too" I said, and June nodded. "I wish mom would let me leave, I mean I'm not going to become queen or anything and I so want to explore the world" June said as she stopped in front of my door. "We'll eat at 9 so be up and ready" June said before turning and quickly leaving.

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