someone new?

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 In the morning, I was woken by a loud horn. I quickly got out of bed and headed to the balcony to hopefully see what was happening without having to leave. Once my eyes adjusted to the bright light of the morning sun I noticed a large ship in the ocean by the old dock. I quickly got dressed and ran out the door to the dock.

Once there I was greeted by Ava. "Oh, Emma good morning sweety, did we wake you? I'm truly sorry if we did" Ava said in a sweet mother like tone, beside her was a man with a metal wolf mask although it was almost completely flat besides the slight curve as it hugs his face. "Morning Ava, um who is your friend?" I asked as I slid my hands into my pockets. "Oh, this is Ruge, he works on building houses and such, I saw how hard you were working on fixing up that old house and I thought it was time to do the same" Ava said, clapping her hands together. "Oh well it's nice to meet you Ruge" I said, and he smiled. "It's nice to meet you as well," Ruge said, his voice was deep but had a slight sweet tone to it. "Oh, I'm Emma by the way" I said, rubbing the back of my neck. We both laughed. "Come on Ruge I'll show you my home and we can see what you can do" Ava said excitedly. "Wow you haven't changed since you were last in Wateriest" Ruge said as he was dragged away.

'Wateriest? Must be another village' I thought to myself. I then turned to head back to my house when I nearly ran into Alex again. "Oh Alex, Hi I didn't see you there" I said as I stumbled back a bit. "I could tell, what are you doing here exactly?" Alex asked. "Oh, Ava's friend came over from Wateriest. I think that's where he said he's from" I said, and Alex nodded his head. "It's been a while since someone last visited," Alex said. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, this old village has been, while it's been little for a while" Alex said, he seemed actually upset about it. "I need to go" Alex said quickly, he clearly looked upset. Then he just walked away. I stood there a little confused, but I quickly shook it off and walked back to my house.

After a few hours I was examining the water damage on the porch. It was bad, the wood was almost coming up and it was soggy like a sponge. I frowned knowing that the wood on the inside was just as bad. "May I ask what you are doing?" I turned around to see Ruge standing right in front of the steps to the pouch. "Oh, I was just looking at some water damaged wood that I need to fix" I said. "Do you know how to fix it?" he asked, and I hit my forehead with my hand. "Nope! I haven't a clue on how to fix it" I said, and he chuckled. "I can help, I'm going to be here for some extra time so I could totally take care of that for you" Ruge said. "Oh, that would be nice, but I would have nothing to pay you with" I said. "Oh no need, I was told that you just moved here, and you had done a lot of work with this old house already, I wouldn't mind the little extra project to be honest" Ruge said with a joyful laugh. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Oh of course I'm sure, I do this stuff for a living, and I love every second of it" Ruge said.

He certainly looked like he did stuff like this for a living. He looked strong and had tools of all different kinds around his waist. "Ok, if it isn't too much to ask," I said moving aside. Ruge took a few minutes to examine the outside of the house and nodded. "It's an old house this one is but I can work with it, I might however need to rebuild some of it due to old structure and wood rot" Ruge said as he tied his long brown hair back. "Is that ok?" He asked. "Of course, you're the one who does this stuff for a living, so I'd take your word" I said and Ruge laughed. "I'll be quick, just give me a few days to finish Ava's house then I'll start on yours" he said, and I nodded. "Take all the time you need, it's not too bad" I said, and he nodded before leaving to go back to Ava's.

I smiled knowing that there was going to be some serious work done on this house that I had spent days cleaning up. The day went by fast as I started scouting out the area around my house. I noticed lots of large trees surrounded my home along with berry bushes with edible berries!

Once night had set, I sat out on my porch again, the stars weren't visible this time. I sat there just thinking, I had no clue of who I was other than my name a few days ago and now I was living in a small village with nice people, well mostly nice people. Over the few days I was always finding myself wondering who I was, what have I done until now, where am I from? All these questions and I have not one answer. I closed my eyes knowing that I needed to clear my head.

"You look pretty lost in thought" I looked up to see Nico standing in front of me. "Oh yeah, sorry about that," I said. "No need to apologize, I understand," Nico said, sitting down next to me. "What are you thinking about?" Nico asked. "Oh, just stuff, mostly about the village" I said. "Oh yeah, our village is a bit strange now, is it?" Nico said. "It's not that it's strange, it's just small" I said with a small, crooked smile. "Yeah, it's been like this for a few years now, we had a large village at some point but over time people just started leaving to the other far more bigger villages" Nico said. "Like wateriest?" I asked and he nodded. "I guess you met Ruge huh" Nico asked, and I nodded in response. "He seems nice, he offered to help me fix up this house" I said as I patted the wooden fencing that lined the porch. "Oh well that was nice of him" Nico said. "Yeah, it was nice of him for sure but it kinda caught me off guard" I said. "Well sometimes kindness can just catch you off guard" he said, and I smiled. "I should head back before it gets too late and Olive starts looking for me, you should head in too, you don't want to be sleeping all day" Nico said as he stood up "I'll head in in a minute, good night, Nico" I said. "Good night, Emma" Nico said then he started his walk back to the village. I had to admit I was super tired due to waking up early to a loud horn. I went inside and snuggled up into bed.

tails of the pastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora