A new discovery

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In the morning, I woke up to the smell of food. Ava was cooking breakfast. I got up and got myself dressed for the day. "Morning sweetie, how are you feeling?" Ava asked as I sat down at the table. "Fine, I had the hardest time trying to sleep though" I said, and Ava sat a plate of food down in front of me. "Oh, sometimes we just have our nights," Ava said as she started eating her food.

Once I finished eating, I went outside. It was sunny out and everything seemed so peaceful. I stood on the porch for a minute until I saw Olive running towards me. "Emma! You won't believe what I found out about that tree!" Olive yelled. Nico quickly ran after her. Once Olive made it to the porch she started rambling on about magic and such, but she was talking so fast and kept getting off track I couldn't make out anything she was saying. Luckily Nico noticed the confused look on my face and told her to slow down. "I'll explain it to her, you just go back to doing whatever it was you were doing before" Nico said, and Olive gave a pouted lip. "But, why?" She asked and Nico rolled his eyes. "You're talking a million miles per hour right now, so until you calm down, I'll explain things so people can understand" Nico said sternly, and Olive nodded understanding that she was very excited.

"So, what's up?" I asked and Nico pulled out an old book. "While for starters Olive found that there seems to be some sort of magic shield around the tree making it invisible at a distance and we found this really old book, it has stories of these people called the wandering warriors" Nico started, Olive at this point had left to go examine the tree more. "They were warriors that fought against anything that was wrong and stride to help those who needed it. But during a battle the group was exiled to a forbidden land and cursed to remain there until the time was right for them to resurface" Nico continued. "There were five of them each with their own gift they used to help people, ice, earth, fire, wind, and the most powerful of them all the destine warrior who could use all four gifts we have stories like that still but they're a little different but I've never seen a book in this much detail so my theory is that it's the real story" Nico said then he pointed to my chest. "That mark on your chest looks a lot like the ice gift symbol" Nico said as he flipped through the pages and showed me a picture on a page that had a blue frost like look to it.

"You think I'm an ice warrior?" I asked and Nico shook his head. "No, I think you might be the destine warrior, if the story this is the true story" Nico said as he flipped through a couple more pages. "Here look, the ice symbol is placed exactly where yours is on her, and you look exactly like her" Nico said as he showed me a page with a beautiful woman with long brown hair and power radiating from her eyes and arms. "That can't be possible, I have no memory of this" I said, and Nico quickly flipped to a page that he had dogeared. "A curse was put on them that stops them from remembering anything once they're back in the real world" Nico said, and I just looked down at the book. "Would it bother you if I took the book, just to read through it?" I asked and Nico nodded as he handed it to me. "I already read through it, so it's all yours" Nico said. "Thank you" I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear. "Don't think too hard into it, it's just a little theory I thought of" Nico said as he turned to leave.

I stood there blank faced as I stared down at the book. I then wandered over to the bench under the tree and started reading. I flipped to the chapter about the ice warrior, and I felt a chill up my back Like I was being watched. But I continued reading. 'She was young and pretty but very quiet, no one really knew she could talk except for the destine warrior who knew all the ways to get her to talk. But the two didn't talk the way normal people did, no, the ice warrior had some sort of mind reading ability in which she could insert her own voice in one's head and communicate through those means' I read, was this why I was hearing the voice, is she trying to talk to me? I thought to myself starting to believe Nico's silly theory 'The ice warrior even for her young age was powerful and knew scratch from reading one's mind. Her power was so strong in fact she could freeze a man's blood as quick as a snap of her fingers. However, she almost never fought unless forced to and in doing so would in rage her into a monster of mass destruction' I continued.

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