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With a tinge of embarrassment, Rishe mulls over Arnold's words. However, Deitrich, who was listening, slumps down and lets out a low growl.


(*That's right, I must deal with Dietrich right now...!)

This isn't the time to be wishy-washy. Rishe must separate Arnold from Deitrich as soon as possible.

(*What's the right thing to do in this situation?)

Trying to switch gears, she ponders.

(*If life follows its usual course, Dietrich will surely attempt a coup against his father before my sixteenth birthday...)

When she heard the rumors about it in her past lives, she was astonished. Despite being called a coup, the outcome was pathetic. Dietrich, instigated by his subjects, took actions bordering on treachery against his father, only to be exposed immediately. He couldn't amass weapons or leak state secrets. He didn't even inflict a scratch on his father, let alone incite the knights to act.

It was too early to detect any movement, and Dietrich didn't even have time to act. In essence, Deitrich's crime was solely "planning treason against the king." However, such a grave offense could never be forgiven. Dietrich was stripped of his rights as crown prince and confined. The throne of the Crown Prince of Hermity passed to Dietrich's younger brother.

Recalling such events, Rishe glances briefly at Arnold.

(*He really is the complete opposite of Arnold...)

"Hm?" Arnold, who once usurped the throne from the Emperor, received Rishe's gaze with a puzzled expression.

(*I've learned over the fifteen years of being his fiancée that I can't interfere with Deitrich. Even if I don't stop him, the only thing he'll lose in that coup is his right to the throne)

Rishe ponders.

(But today, I feel like my advice, which would have been ignored by the previous Deitrich, is reaching him more than usual. Is it the result of Princess Marie's education...? Or is it because of Arnold's influence? Maybe now I can help Deitrich somehow...)

It was at that moment that Deitrich raised his head. "No――― I... I'm not wrong! I'll stand tall, as Prince Dietrich!!"

"... Your Highness?"

"I'll tell you now! Why I, why I came all the way to Galkhein just before your sixteenth birthday, the real reason...!!"

Being told such absurd things in a tearful voice, Rishe is taken aback.

"My birthday, you say?"

Certainly, Rishe's birthday falls nine days later, on the thirtieth day of the seventh month. But what does that have to do with anything?

"Galkhein, like our country, won't allow marriage until you're sixteen, right? In other words, Rishe, until you turn fifteen, you're not officially married to Galkhein!" he spouts,"do you understand? While you're not qualified for marriage, I'm saying I'll help you now."

"Help me? From what? And how?"

"Of course!" With determination, his index finger is pointed forcefully. "It's clear that this engagement is against your will!"


Rishe was speechless.

"In the first place, I can't possibly hand over Rishe, my childhood friend, to a man rumored to be 'cruel and ruthless.' Isn't Rishe pitiable in such a case!!?"


Deitrich, who had been crying, regained his confidence and continued. "But I won't yield even to a major power. I'm trying to help you, Rishe, while there's still time!"


"And just by arriving at this imperial capital and seeing the name of the opera diva, Sylvia, and entering the theater, I've achieved this unexpected reunion! Yes, the more I think about it, the more it seems like the goddess is on my side!"


"Rejoice, Rishe. Your birthday celebration will be held after we return to our country."

And then, with teary-eyed determination, Dietrich looked at Arnold.

"Prince Arnold Hein! I am not afraid of you! ...Well, I'm actually quite scared... but this is a trial to overcome! I am a future king full of qualities fit for a king!"

Though disrespectful words were directed at him, Arnold wore a look of utter indifference. For Arnold, there was no longer any value in engaging with him. Without responding to Dietrich in any way, Arnold glanced over here.

"Rishe. Have you had enough?"


"In that case, let's go home. Order the knights to take this man somewhere."

"Wh... Wha...! Are you planning to expel me!?"

Rishe took a deep breath and then spoke after bowing her head.

"Your Highness Deitrich." Rishe calls out his name in a low voice, causing Dietrich to stiffen his shoulders. "... I had no intention of commenting on being abandoned by you, facing a broken engagement and being ordered into exile."


"But..." Rishe stares directly at Deitrich. "...I cannot overlook you speaking ill of Prince Arnold."


Though she has scolded Deitrich many times over the past fifteen years... It might be the first time she's directed such strong emotions toward him. Indeed, the Dietrich in front of her is stunned and speechless.

"Prince Arnold is the kindest person to me in the world. He allows me to go out into town, lends me horses for riding, and sometimes even teaches me swordsmanship. Everything he does for me was forbidden when I was your fiancée."


Arnold never got angry when Rishe went out in secret. He entrusted her with the maintenance of the villa, the cultivation of medicinal herbs in the garden, the hiring and education of maids. When Rishe asked him for swordsmanship practice, he made time for her, even when he was busy. He acknowledges Rishe's choices. For a noblewoman like Rishe, it's invaluable.

"He cares for me, worries about my health, and considers whether I can spend my time freely. Prince Arnold only scolds me when I do something dangerous... Yet you dare speak so horribly of him...?"

At the next moment, Rishe, carried away by the force of her words, tightly embraces Arnold.


The surprise of Arnold and Dietrich is now directed at Rishe.

Arnold's body appears slim for a swordsman. However, when Rishe actually wraps her arms around him, she's surprised by his robust physique and the firm sensation of his muscles. Trying not to dwell on that fact too deeply, Rishe glares at Dietrich.

"I'll prove it to you, Deitrich! How wonderful Prince Arnold is as a husband!"

"I-If that's your wish...!!"


However, she can only stay in that position for a few seconds.

Afterward, in the carriage ride home, with her face turning beet red, Rishe apologizes to Arnold.

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 5 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now