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Arnold's martial arts were so stunning that cheers and applause echoed throughout the theater. However, his ocean-blue eyes were completely focused elsewhere, seemingly unaware of the commotion.

"If we've come this far, it should be enough."


When she noticed, the sound of arrows cutting through the air had stopped. She could see several spectators being apprehended by the royal guards. However, the tension that had pervaded the theater hadn't dissipated entirely.

(They're coming.)

The group whose arrows had run out were now aiming for the stage.

With a tingling sense of anticipation, Rishe tightened her grip on her sword. Meanwhile, Arnold looked down. Placing his hand on the hilt of his sword at his waist, Arnold quietly grasped it. Then, as if sliding the blade smoothly, he began to draw the sword from its sheath.

Rishe involuntarily gasped at the beauty of Arnold's movements.

The black blade emerging from the sheath reflected the stage lights, gleaming brightly. The light illuminated Arnold's face, emphasizing his long eyelashes. The motion of the blade sliding out of the sheath was fluid and pure. His posture remained straight, his balance unwavering. He seemed poised to react effortlessly to any attack from any direction.

Yet, there was no unnecessary force. It was almost lethargic, yet that sluggishness exuded a dangerous allure. Just the act of drawing the sword captured everyone's attention. Even the audience, who thought this was part of the performance, couldn't take their eyes off Arnold on stage, let alone utter a word. The sound of the blade sliding ceased like a bell.

As Arnold blinked gently and flicked the tip of the sword from the sheath, flower petals at his feet danced into the air.

(...So beautiful...)

Though mesmerized, Rishe quickly refocused. About ten enemies clad in robes were advancing onto the stage. Rishe also readied her sword, watching their movements closely.

(They're well-organized! No room for complacency. They must understand Arnold's strength fully to adopt this formation...)

Knowing Arnold's strength meant the enemies were formidable as well. Amidst this, Arnold took a step forward. Rishe could only see Arnold's back. As the robed men ascended, she attempted to stand beside Arnold.

But then—


Arnold flicked his sword as if swiping it away. He slashed straight to the side, causing the first five assailants to falter.

The speed was so bewildering that even Rishe, who was watching closely, couldn't comprehend it. Despite knowing better, she almost believed there had been no sound. The only evidence of Arnold swinging his sword was the flurry of flower petals on the stage.

(What incredible swordsmanship...!!)

Rishe was speechless. She realized that this was the first time she had witnessed Arnold directly engaging in combat as an ally. Before the enemies could regroup, Arnold swiftly parried the first blow. These five enemies seemed to have chosen a tactic where one attacked Arnold while another moved in during the exchange.

But even that strategy proved futile. Arnold protected Rishe's back, effortlessly deflecting the enemies' attacks. With one hand, he deflected the sword and with the other, he knocked them back.

(How can he incapacitate so many in an instant...!)

Until the enemy's plan was thwarted, only a few moves had been made. Arnold had hardly moved from his initial position.

"Hey...! What did that beautiful actor just do...!?"

"Shh! Let's just watch quietly; it's part of the performance."

The audience, unaware that this was real combat, grew more excited. However, the enemies weren't done yet. New foes emerged from various parts of the audience, converging on the stage.

This time, there were about fifteen of them. Since there were no restrictions on entry, they must still be lurking in the theater to draw out all the spies. While being attacked from both sides, Arnold only faced the opponents on his right. Arnold's lack of response to the left wasn't due to incapability.

Utilizing the angle of the blade, Rishe deflected the attack. She had accumulated this fighting technique throughout her life, knowing that her physical strength wouldn't match that of a man's.

Rishe gracefully spun around, adding rotational force to the enemy's sword. Due to the structure of the hand, the enemy couldn't exert force, and the sword they were gripping tightly slipped from their grasp.


Seizing the opportunity, Rishe made a shallow incision in the enemy's abdomen. Their swords were coated with the same paralyzing agent Rishe had encountered on her journey from Ermitis.

Confirming that the enemy had fallen, Rishe let out a short breath. At the same time, Arnold glanced over at her.

(...If Arnold has such skills, I might not be needed. He should tell me to stand down and let him handle it. But still...)

It seemed Arnold had seen through why she chose to stand on his left.

(Arnold trusts me and entrusts me...)

Savoring that thought, Rishe was overwhelmed with joy.

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 5 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now