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Becoming a fake "Songstress" and portraying a decoy, Rishe sharpened her focus.

(Up to this point, everything is going according to plan. The enemies who mistook Sylvia for being alone are aiming at us without hesitation.)

The costume as a songstress was heavy, but it was intricately designed for easy movement. The frills had multiple slits, making it easy to handle the hem. Although her face was hidden behind a veil, Rishe's vision was unobstructed. However, it was challenging to observe the dim audience from the bright stage.

She listened intently, concentrating on the killing intent. Even among the large audience, the distinct sound of arrows cutting through the air and the aura of someone intending to kill were unmistakable.

(――To the right!)

Making that judgment, Rishe swung her sword. While she didn't hit the arrow's tip, her blade struck the arrow's shaft. The deflected arrow slid down to the side of the stage, causing artificial flower petals to flutter.

(Just as Crown Prince Arnold taught me. "Be mindful of the blade's orientation when swinging and use it to deflect the arrows" ...!)

The results of the training she received from Arnold over the past few days were evident. Rishe took a deep breath, acknowledging her own tension.

If she let her guard down for even a moment, the enemy spy's arrow would pierce her left chest. Even Rishe, understood that her opponent was skilled.

(It's a relief that the switch with Sylvia went smoothly. ... In this situation, if Sylvia had been the decoy, she would undoubtedly have been injured.)

No matter how fortified the security was, protecting everything was difficult. Understanding this, Rishe proposed to Arnold and Dietrich on the city walls.

"I'll take on the role of the decoy, not Sylvia."

When she said that, Arnold furrowed his brow.

"Do you want me to explain to Sylvia that she's the decoy ...? Without that, Sylvia won't agree to the plan. Sylvia's and the other actors' cooperation is essential for this decoy plan."


Arnold looked down at Rishe with a bitter expression.

However, when Arnold stared at her intently, he eventually sighed and said,

"Understood. Do as you think best."

"Thank you very much, Your Highness Arnold!"

"No, no! Wait a moment, you two!"

Raul, dressed as a knight, interrupted in a fluster.


"What are you saying with such a nonchalant face? Rishe, you don't need to take such risks as being Sylvia's body double."

"But there's no better way."

"It's not about 'there's no better way'!"

Raul sighed heavily and then looked up at Arnold.

"Your Highness, you're being too lenient. How can you let Rishe, your dear wife, take such a risk?"

"But I'm not yet Arnold's wife ...!"

"That's not the point!"

Concerned about something else, they were given a look. It was rare for Raul, who usually disguised his emotions, to have such an obvious expression.

With a slightly furrowed brow, Arnold said, lowering his blue eyes, "I understand the risk involved."

It was a voice mixed with exasperation. "Even so, Rishe won't give up on this situation. Because once she decides to protect something, she'll do whatever it takes to protect it."

"Your Highness Arnold..." Arnold looked at Rishe, and his stern expression softened slightly. "I already understand that much."

Rishe's heart raced with a kind of trust directed at her. As Raul said earlier, this was indulging Rishe. Even if someone else proposed it, Arnold would never accept this plan. Understanding this made Rishe inexplicably happy.

(I'll definitely protect it.)

And now, while standing on stage as the songstress, Rishe carefully wielded her sword. When arrows flew from the audience, Rishe deflected them skillfully, causing the crowd to cheer. Grabbing the hem of her dress, she fluttered it gracefully, making the flowers dance along with it.

(By making it known that baggage checks were conducted, there should be minimal weapons brought in. The espionage team primarily relies on long-range attacks, so they'll keep aiming arrows from the audience until they're exhausted...!)

Rishe's main role was to expose all the archers in the audience. Drawing arrows as a decoy for Sylvia, dodging them all. The archers' biggest weakness was turning the attack into a war of attrition.

(And when the arrows run out, the next move will be...!)

As expected, there was the appearance of enemies climbing onto the stage. A man clad in a black robe drew a concealed short sword. Even the audience, who thought it was part of the performance, held their breath with tension.

With a swift horizontal sweep, Rishe instinctively bent to avoid it. As applause erupted, an arrow was aimed at that moment.


Aiming for her thigh, she deflected the arrow while turning the blade. She exhaled unconsciously, realizing she couldn't afford to be distracted. But she was taken advantage of for a moment. The moment of deflecting the arrow was targeted by the enemy on stage.

A spy with a sword aimed directly at Rishe.


At that moment. A figure emerged from the stage wing and jumped between Rishe and the enemy. With a swift swing of his leg, he delivered a brilliant roundhouse kick to the enemy's temple.


With a scream, the enemy was blown off the stage. The black cloak fluttered in front of Rishe. Uncomfortable with his heel touching the enemy, the person frowned. To Rishe's surprise, there was a deviation from the prearranged movements.

Calling out to him in a low voice, Rishe said,

"Your Highness Arnold...!"

Arnold turned to look at Rishe and let out a small sigh before saying,

"Are you okay?"

"Y-Yes, but...! Didn't you plan to come out a little later, Your Highness Arnold?"

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 5 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now